2017 has been a tough year on all of us fighting the Trump agenda. And it’s not getting easier.
The Republican led Congress just passed a disaster of a tax bill that was everything Trump wanted. We’re teetering on the edge of a government shutdown. And rumors abound about an attempt to shut down Robert Mueller’s investigation.
For women, for our families and our communities, this movement must get stronger.
We need every MomsRising supporter to invest whatever they can in the resistance, right now, while your contributions count twice* (thanks to a generous year-end match from another MomsRising supporter), so we can not just resist, but also persist with power.
Are you with us? Will you make our movement more powerful with your contribution today?
Despite the constant chaos on the news, the erosion of our rights, and the distortion of our most deeply-held values, moms still know what’s right -- and we’ve seen again and again that we’re a powerful force together.
Moms will not be silent. And we will not give up.
Please send the most generous contribution you can -- your gift before Dec. 31 will double instantly!
Your gift today will be put to use immediately to:
- BLITZ Congress with your letters, calls, and the compelling testimonies of moms. This is the strongest way to sway lawmakers to vote the right way for women and families.
- EXPAND our #KeepMarching program, a FREE, online training and support program for members who want to become stronger, more effective advocates.
- POWER our MomsVote program. When women vote, women win. Your gift will help us register and mobilize thousands of women to register, run and vote!
And so much more.
Show Trump how hard you are willing to fight. Give now so we can hit the ground running in 2018.
Thank you for your commitment to women, moms, and families in America.
*Up to a campaign total of $50,000.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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