Top #5Actions of the Past Week: July 27. 2018
This week we're calling out the Trump administration for its failure to reunite hundreds--perhaps more than 1,000--children with their parents or family members by yesterday's deadline. Every day, every hour, every moment that children remain separated from their parents means more terror and more trauma for all involved. The moms of America call on our government to ensure this never happens again – not to one more family. That means closing the eligibility loophole the Trump administration is using to unilaterally decide which children will never see their parents again. It means providing the services and supports families need to recover from the trauma that our government has inflicted on them. It means rejecting family incarceration, which is not an acceptable solution to family separation. And it means rejecting prosecution for any families that seek asylum in our country. This cruelty simply must end.
This week's #5Actions list gives you two opportunities to take action around immigration: by writing a letter to your local paper and speaking out about private prison companies profiting from the incarceration and detention of immigrants. This is a truly moment in our history when none of us can remain silent. Your voice is urgently needed.
You'll also find top actions around the US Census, maternal health, and breastfeeding, below. As always, thank you for signing and sharing with your friends, too! -->
1. Tell Wells Fargo - Stop Financing Pain For Corporate Gain!
BACKGROUND: We are outraged by Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase's roles in financing CoreCivic and GEO Group, two large for-profit prison corporations that are profiting off the separation and pain of families. Private prison companies hold contracts to operate hundreds of prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers across the country that are being used to incarcerate and separate families. Join us to demand that you immediately stop financing CoreCivic and GEO Group. Let’s use our power as consumers to cut off the corporate money behind Trump’s unconscionable immigration policies!
2. Send a QUICK Letter to STOP Family Incarceration
BACKGROUND: Writing a letter to your local paper is a powerful way to make your voice heard! Newspapers are still a main source of news and influence for decision makers. Join us to write a letter to your local paper to say NO to family incarceration. We'll make it super easy with tips and sample language. It's so important that we do this NOW because as the Trump administration responds to a court ordered deadline to reunite ALL parents with their children who were separated when seeking asylum at the border, we expect the administration to accelerate efforts to incarcerate asylum seeking families. Trading family separation for family jails is not the solution. Imprisoning children with their families is still imprisoning children. Children deserve to be with their families outside of cages and they deserve to have their rights protected. Make your voice heard - write a letter to your local paper today!
3. Remove Discriminatory Citizenship Question from 2020 U.S. Census!
BACKGROUND: The 2020 U.S. Census is coming up soon and it is a BIG deal. It’s critical that the U.S. Census gets an accurate headcount of everyone in the United States, but here's the bad news: The Trump Administration is using the upcoming U.S. Census as a backdoor attack on the immigrant community by adding a discriminatory question related to citizenship, with the goal of discouraging participation and threatening the accuracy of the count. But it’s not too late to stop the addition of this question! We have a chance to stop this from happening by adding our voices to the public comments being collected by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
4. ACT NOW: Tell Formula Companies to Back Off!
BACKGROUND: The Trump Administration attempted to weaken a resolution at the World Health Assembly that was meant to “protect, promote and support breastfeeding.” Not only did they seek to water down the language, but they threatened (yes, threatened!) Ecuador, the proposing country, with sanctions and withdrawal of military aid. The Trump Administration resorted to strong-armed tactics in opposition to breastfeeding in order to side with the multi-billion-dollar infant formula industry over the world’s moms and babies. You read that right: Corporate interests and influence were prioritized over public health recommendations that are universally supported by doctors. Thankfully, the Administration’s shameful attempts were unsuccessful -- thanks to an intervention by Russia (!!!) -- but this is not OK! Join us to speak out!
5. Share Your Caesarean Section Experience!
BACKGROUND: Did you know pregnant American women and people give birth via Caesarean section at more than double the rate the World Health Organization recommends? That is why we are asking everyone to take part in a new digital campaign to reduce the stigma that comes with having a C-section and to give voice to the many people who continue to be vulnerable in hospitals around the country. Tell us about your or your loved ones' experience with Caesarean sections during your birthing experience. How have you and your loved ones been impacted?
Thank you for all you do, and #KeepMarching!
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