[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Actress Alyssa Milano is getting her makeup done while breastfeeding.]
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month and the MomsRising community celebrated with action: Actress, breastfeeding activist and mother Alyssa Milano teamed up with us to raise awareness to millions of people, including by making a video and boosting our breastfeeding petition; our volunteers met with Nestlé to make the case for putting the health and well-being of babies and mothers above profits; and we celebrated Black Breastfeeding Week (Aug. 25-31) with #LoveOnTop.
Your generosity fueled every step of this work — and so, so much more like our work protecting SNAP, healthcare, and also fighting for fair pay and maternal justice. We can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support.
Alyssa Milano stands up with MomsRising to defend and celebrate the right of moms to breastfeed! Our “Stop Undermining Breastfeeding Moms” campaign during World Breastfeeding Week (Aug. 1-7) reached millions of people and also gathered over 80,000 signatures that we delivered to Nestlé headquarters. Alyssa said, "That makes me so happy!"
That makes us happy, too!
WATCH: Alyssa’s heartfelt breastfeeding advocacy video here.
To close out National Breastfeeding Month, we’re celebrating Black Breastfeeding Week (BBW), Aug. 25-31. Founded in 2013 by three nationally recognized breastfeeding advocates, including MomsRising longtime consultant Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka, BBW raises awareness of the health benefits and personal empowerment of breastfeeding in the black community. MomsRising campaign director Tina Sherman led the organization’s work to lift up BBW on the ground and online.
What beautiful MOMentum we’re creating together — thank you!
VIEW: Beautiful Feeding Photos And Stories For Black Breastfeeding Week
On Aug. 14, our fearless volunteers delivered 80,000 petition signatures to Nestlé the MomsRising way — in strollers! The media took notice:
“Nestlé, in particular, has come under fire for decades now for allegedly using misleading marketing tactics in developing nations to promote baby formula...So [MomsRising organizer Tina] Sherman decided to express her outrage to the company directly, and worked with several other advocacy groups to collect more than 80,000 signatures urging Nestlé to change its ways.
The advocates...delivered the petition to Nestlé’s new Rosslyn headquarters today (Tuesday) and met briefly with some company representatives to discuss the issue.” - ARLNow.com, Aug. 14, 2018
Your generosity helps in so many ways, from attention-getting petition deliveries like this one to sustained pressure for change.
READ: Activists Blast Nestlé’s Breastfeeding Marketing Practices at Rosslyn HQ
Members share how MomsRising is a positive force in their lives
“Great site and a super idea [to check my voter registration].”
- Andrew, writing in response to a MomsRising email inviting everyone to check their voter registration status.
Are you sure you’re registered to vote? Check here!
Tell us what this movement means to you! Send your comments to feedback@momsrising.org.
Sept. 15 | NH: NH Play In for Our Future
New Hampshire children need a good start in life — they need clean air, healthy spaces, and positive support for their parents. Join Granite State families on Saturday, Sept. 15 at 10am in Concord for a family friendly rally at the NH State House in Concord to advocate for healthy families! RSVP here.
Sept. 26 | Online: STOP WellsFargo & JPMorgan Chase
National day of action to tell WellsFargo to STOP financing detention centers run by CoreCivic and GEO Group. More info here.
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