Can't Wait to Vote! #MomsVote
It's ON. Early voting is underway in North Carolina from Wednesday, October 17th, until Saturday, November 3rd (of course, you can also vote on Election Day, November 6th!). There's a lot at stake for women and families this election – now it's YOUR turn to have the final say when you head to the voting booth. It's time to own our power!
Early voting is the easiest way to make a plan to vote and avoid potential lines on Election Day. And–if you missed registering to vote by the October 12th deadline–you can still register and vote during the early voting period in North Carolina.
We've put together a quick reference for you to make sure you have everything you need to make your vote count this year.
Voting Information:
Voting dates and locations: You can either vote at an early voting location from Wednesday, October 17th, until Saturday, November 3rd, or at your polling place on Election Day on Tuesday, November 6th. To find early voting times and locations in your county, click here. (Of course, you can also vote on Election Day, November 6th!)
If you live in an area impacted by Hurricane Florence and/ or have been displaced, visit https://www.ncvoter.org/after-the-hurricane-know-your-voting-rights/ or https://www.ncsbe.gov/florence for information on voting locations and voting by absentee ballot.
You do NOT need an ID to vote in NC this year (the courts struck that down) unless you are a first time voter in the county or will be using Same Day Registration during the early voting period.
Registration: If you missed the 25-day registration deadline of October 12th, you can use Same Day Registration during Early Voting. (It is not an option on Election Day.)
To use Same Day Registration, you must provide one of the following documents to an election official at an Early Voting location:
- NC driver’s license
- Other government photo ID with name and current address
- Utility bill, bank statement, or payroll stub with name and current address
- Student photo ID with a school document showing the student’s address
- Any document from any government agency with the voter’s name and current address.
Not sure if you're registered? Check your voter registration here!
Got voting questions? There have been a lot of changes to NC voting laws recently, and we want to make sure you get all your questions answered. Our partners at Democracy North Carolina have put together a website designed to answer all your voting questions. Check it out at ncvoter.org. You can also visit the NC State Board of Elections for resources.
Make voting a family celebration! MomsRising is cooking up lots of ways to make voting fun for the whole family. We're hosting family voting parties in Winston-Salem on the morning of October 27th and in Durham and Charlotte on the morning of November 3rd. There will be face painting, balloon artists, story times, and more. For information on each party, just click on the city name above.
Our Super Voter Treasure Boxes are headed out across the state and will be at early voting locations in Buncombe, Cabarrus, Cumberland, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Orange, Union, and Wake counties at various times during the early voting period. They have coloring sheets, bubbles, small toys and more for children as they stand in line with their parents to vote. Check out our Treasure Map of times and locations where you can find a Treasure Box near you.
Finally, you can throw your own voting celebration. Click here to download our early voting party toolkit complete with craft ideas, conversation starters, and children’s book suggestions all designed to help make voting fun for the whole family! Or download our coloring sheets here in English or here in Spanish.
Spread the word! This is an important election, and it’s critical that we all remind our friends to vote. Will you change your Facebook profile picture to remind your friends that their votes (and their voices) matter? Together we can send a powerful message that voting matters in North Carolina!
Righ click on either of the images below to save it and then make it your profile picture on Facebook:
The voices of North Carolina moms and those who love them are powerful–but only if we use them. Make your plan to vote today on –or before! – November 6th today!
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