Review the Week: Ruthless, We Rise [Sept. 25, 2020]
ICYMI: This week we mourn the tremendous loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, stand with the family and loved ones of Breonna Taylor in calling for justice, and rise to make this country a more just place for women and families. Check out this the content you loved, liked, shared or might have missed in the MomsRising community for the week ending Sept. 25, 2020.
1. INSTAGRAM: Mourning the loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Fierce, rigorous, fearless, peerless. Notorious, even. We promise to live up to and honor the values she fought for.
INSTALOVE: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFTOpsxlsyC/
2. NEWSROOM: Breonna
"Shock. Outrage. We stand with the family and loved ones of Breonna Taylor, Black Lives Matter Louisville, the tens of thousands of activists in Kentucky, and the national Movement for Black Lives in calling for justice...Our hearts are with Breonna Taylor’s mom and all those who love her. We will not stop demanding justice."
READ THE STATEMENT: https://www.momsrising.org/newsroom/an-egregious-miscarriage-of-justice-an-insult-to-the-memory-of-breonna-taylor
3. BLOG: Shut down Irwin Detention Center and Defund ICE
Forced hysterectomies. Appalling medical neglect by ICE.
Demand that ICE immediately shut down the Irwin County Detention Center and that Congress hold ICE and CBP accountable for human right abuses.
TAKE ACTION: https://www.momsrising.org/blog/shut-down-irwin-detention-center-and-defund-ice
4. BLOG: It's #Election Season! Here's Everything You Need to Make a Plan to Vote & MORE!!
#ElectionSeason is here with some states already early voting - and we are here for you to help you vote.
HERE ARE 3 SIMPLE STEPS: https://www.momsrising.org/blog/its-election-season-heres-everything-you-need-to-make-a-plan-to-vote-more
5. BLOG: I Got Involved for My Son Javi
"Over that year I learned one of the most important lessons of my life - that democracy is not a spectator sport. It’s not enough to vote every couple of years and consider your work done...It would be easy to wallow in despair, to give up. But it wouldn’t be right, and it wouldn’t be American, at least not in the way John Lewis and RBG wanted us to be."
READ MARTHA'S STORY: https://www.momsrising.org/blog/i-got-involved-for-my-son-javi
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