We need some MOMentum across New York State to remind lawmakers in Albany that NY families need BIG investments in child care so that working parents can work and child care providers can earn family sustaining wages.
Last year, we asked Gov. Hochul to invest $5 Billion (yes, with a B!) in child care and sadly the funds allocated in last year's budget fell short of this amount, so this year we're asking again!
Right now, lawmakers are figuring out what the NY budget will include and we have to tell them: child care is the work behind all other work! Don't forget about parents who need child care, and don't forget about the child care providers who take care of our kids!
The Empire State Campaign for Child Care's priorities for 2023-2024 budget focus on getting more families access to the child care they need, along with big investments in the child care workforce, and asks the NY legislature to ensure that all children, regardless of immigration status, can access child care. One of the most important priorities is to help break down barriers to child care and expand eligibility (which means MORE families have access to child care!)
If you're a parent (or child care provider!) in New York, you can help! Have your voice heard by:
1. Contacting your NY legislator and reminding them that you're a parent or child care provider in New York and you're counting on them to not forget families and the people that take care of our children, so that working parents can work, in this year's budget. Families can't wait. If you don't know who your NY Assemblymember is, look it up here and call the Assembly switchboard at 518-455-4100 and ask to connect with your Assemblymember’s office.
Find your NY State senator here and call the Senate switchboard at 518-455-2800 and ask to connect with your Senator’s office
"My name is _________ and I am a (parent/ provider/community member) calling from (your town). I’m calling to ask the (Assemblymember or Senator) to urge leadership to invest in universal child care in the One-House Budget, including $1.2 billion for the child care workforce and $60 million to ensure all children are included regardless of their immigration status. More families need access to affordable child care in their own communities and without direct investment in this workforce, we cannot have enough child care for all of New York's families who rely on it. New York’s children and families are counting on you. Thank you."
2. Sharing your child care story with us! MomsRising is collecting stories from across the nation and in NY State to share with legislators. Click here to share your child care challenges.
3. Signing up to be share your story with NY legislators! Legislators know the statistics, they need to understand the human stories and impact that policies supporting families can have! If you want to share your story, please email diana@momsrising.org to learn more about how you can get involved.
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