We need your support to continue to fight for Reproductive Justice.
It's been one year since the Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade, restricting access to abortion care, and we are still fighting for our rights.
As a millennial American woman, my generation is going through what feels like back to back disastrous events from accelerating climate change and COVID 19, to alarming rates of young Black mothers dying while giving birth, and our reproductive rights and trans youth rights being attacked and stripped away every single day.
Today, some of us are on the ground rallying, marching, and fighting back. Others are, perhaps, exhausted and need rest on this tragic anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Regardless, your donation will help resource our movement for reproductive justice and ensuring accessible, affordable abortion care. *When you click this link, it’ll take you directly to our donation page*
Abortion-specific restrictions and limits on reproductive and maternal healthcare are tools of gender oppression, as they target health care services that are used primarily by women. Six in ten people who have abortion are already moms and polls show the majority of people in America agree that abortion care should be accessible to all who need it. Being able to choose if we have children, and if so, when and how many children to have, is a fundamental human right. That is the bottom line.
What is more clear now than it’s ever been is that reproductive justice cannot wait. When we say “Reproductive Justice” we mean: secure, affordable and accessible reproductive health care for all birthing people; including young women and mothers, Black and indigenous women, trans, queer and non-binary people, people who are undocumented, immigrants, and other communities of color that are marginalized and whose reproductive health care needs are too often ignored. In addition to protecting our reproductive rights, we need our lawmakers to fully show up for people and communities fighting for racial, economic, and environmental justice, too! Because we are “not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own” as civil rights activists and womanist, Audre Lorde, once put it.
Our fight unites us. We’re in this, together, for the long haul. *Click here to make a contribution*
In Solidarity,
Diarra and the whole MomsRising.org/MamásConPoder Team
P.S. Have you seen our merch? *Click Here to check out our MomsRising merch* and treat yourself and or a loved one to a gift!
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