Ready? Set. It’s GO-time! We need you to share this action with 5 people, asking them to join you in order to reach our goal of 500,000 signatures! When you click this link, it’ll take you to your Facebook account where you can share this petition with all (or some) of your Facebook friends-- be sure to tag their names in!
If you don’t have a Facebook account, then below are two very simple ways you can join in on the action →
Copy this link and share it in your online communities (Facebook groups, Twitter groups, Instagram community, etc.) Link: https://action.momsrising.org/sign/protectmife/
Forward this blog RIGHT NOW to five friends, and to add a personal note about why this issue matters to you! Adding a personal note can make a big difference in whether or not your folks take action.
In this current crisis, we need the courts to do their job and take all necessary steps to protect patients, providers, and protect our reproductive rights! This is our opportunity to make our voices heard and help the courts understand the far-reaching consequences of their decision. Americans demand the ability to make decisions about their own lives, bodies, and futures — without political interference, and support of this petition demonstrates that wish.
Mifepristone is crucial to public health. It is a medication that is not only used to safely and effectively assist abortion, but is commonly used in cases where a pregnancy ends in a miscarriage and heavily relied on where abortion is medically necessary to save a person’s life. More than 5 million people in the U.S. have used mifepristone since the FDA approved it over two decades ago. That’s right, over 20 years ago. This means that millions of people will be negatively impacted by this decision if it were to go the wrong way.
This impacts all of us, even those of us who may not be in need of abortion and reproductive health care services. The consequences of limited access to abortion are especially harsh for people who live in states with high maternal and infant mortality rates. The result of total abortion bans will mean mothers will be forced to give birth in environments with failing health care systems and that are unsafe for birthing people altogether. We are in a health care state of emergency. We need all hands on deck so please join this fight and share the People’s Brief right now! Every signature counts.
Together, with reproductive rights partners like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, activists, lawyers, providers and MomsRising allies, we are filing this amicus brief. Will you join us? Click here to share with 5 of your friends, family members, loved ones, colleagues-- anyone who should join this fight!
Thank you for all you do.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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