My 2-year old successfully used the potty for 4 days last week! I could not be more excited – not just because this means she’s hit another milestone. But I’m most excited about ditching diapers and putting that money toward groceries and student loan payments!
Inflation may be slowing down but Procter & Gamble, Pampers’ parent company, surely is not. The cost of Pampers rose by 7% last quarter and CEO of P&G, Jon Moeller, suggests more price hikes are to come!1 This price hike comes right after the National Diaper Bank Network released their most recent data that 1 in 2 U.S. families is struggling to provide enough diapers to keep a baby or toddler clean, dry, and healthy!2 ONE in TWO! Our families have been through so much and Pampers is adding insult to injury all in the name of corporate greed!
Pampers, we know you like to think that your ish don’t stink, but hardworking parents are paying the price – and we’re not going to let you get over on us!
It’s National Diaper Need Awareness Week, September 18th - 24th, a time to uplift the struggle of U.S. families to afford diapers, a basic necessity – and for us to collectively push for meaningful solutions.
Diaper need has serious ramifications for families. In fact, diaper need contributes to babies having increased painful rashes and urinary infections resulting in increased trips to the ER and doctor visits. Diaper need means 3 in 5 parents are missing school or work because they cannot afford the diapers required for childcare, resulting in loss of crucial wages.2 Diapers are absolutely essential to a baby’s physical and emotional wellbeing and for families’ economic security.
Parents are trying to make miracles with their budget and major diaper companies, like Pampers, are seeing their highest earnings in decades! Over the course of the pandemic, Pampers’ CEO saw a compensation increase of $10 MILLION DOLLARS.3 Price gouging parents is bad for business and bad for babies.
Pampers says they’re “dedicated to every baby’s happy, healthy development,” but they’re taking advantage of inflation, the pandemic, and families to increase prices and their profits. Diapers are a basic need – hiking prices to line executive pockets is wrong and parents have had ENOUGH!
Sign now! - We will deliver the message straight to the Pampers CEO: Parents deserve BETTER! Pampers must practice what they preach and actually support the healthy development of babies by providing affordable access to diapers. This National Diaper Need Awareness Week, support parents by adding your name to our letter to Pampers’ CEO, Jon Moeller, telling him to return diapers to an affordable price!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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