Hiragana Mama
Blog Post List
July 17, 2012
Trying to help one child become bilingual is a lot of work. Trying to teach two kids, I thought, was going to be twice as much work. I’m starting to believe that I might be wrong. Here are the reasons why: 1) When I was trying to teach my first-born Japanese, I often felt like I was talking to myself (when my daughter was a baby/toddler). I would talk to her, sing to her, etc, but since my husband doesn’t speak Japanese, I felt like my daughter never got to hear Japanese conversations in real situations. My second-born has the advantage of hearing my daughter and I converse together in...
January 23, 2012
Happy New Year everyone! I am a mother to a 3-year old girl and 1-year old boy. I am a Japanese-American and my husband is Caucasian. Together, we are working hard to help our half-Japanese children become bilingual and bicultural. Sometimes it is very challenging, but today I wanted to celebrate what I love about being their mom! 1) There’s always a reason to celebrate! Not only do we celebrate the 4th of July and Halloween, but we also celebrate Japanese holidays such as Girls’ Day and Setsubun. Every month has something exciting to look forward to. 2) We eat a wide variety of foods. Our...