Vincent Alvarez is the President of the New York City Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO), representing over 1.3 million workers across many industries and professions in the private sector, public sector and building and construction trades.
Vincent Alvarez
Vincent Alvarez is the President of the New York City Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO), representing over 1.3 million workers across many industries and professions in the private sector, public sector and building a
Blog Post List
August 22, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . Como Presidente del Sindicato de Trabajadores de New York del AFL-CIO , represento a más de 1,3 millones de trabajadores de muchas industrias y profesiones en el sector privado, público y en asociaciones de construcción. Muchos de estos trabajadores tienen el beneficio de acuerdo colectivo que establece obtener días libres con paga salarial durante enfermedades. Sin embargo, continúan muchísimos más trabajadores en Estados Unidos quienes no pueden tomar días de descanso por enfermedad y si lo hacen enfrentan el riesgo de acción disciplinaria o...
April 24, 2013
As President of the New York City Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO) , I represent over 1.3 million workers across many industries and professions in the private sector, public sector and building and construction trades. Many of these workers have the benefit of collective bargaining agreements that stipulate for time off with pay during illness. However, there remain far too many workers in the United States who cannot take time off from work and, if they are compelled by health or family needs to do so, risk disciplinary action or firing. Low-wage workers represent the majority of those not...