Marian Wright Edelman is President Emerita of the Children's Defense Fund and its Action Council whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start, and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.
Blog Post List
August 22, 2019
August 23 marks the 95th birthday of the great MIT Nobel laureate economist and 2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Robert Solow. As family and friends join him for this milestone, all of us at the Children’s Defense Fund send our deepest gratitude for his generous sharing of expertise, wisdom and concern for America’s children, especially those left behind in poverty. He bolstered CDF’s repeated calls over the decades to end child poverty with impeccable dollars and cents data. What is it going to take to get our money driven, morally impoverished nation to open up America’s dream...
August 16, 2019
O God of the children of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala Of Syria, Nigeria, Liberia, Sudan and South Africa Of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Israel, Iran and Iraq Of Libya, Yemen and Ukraine, Nepal and Kashmir, Of the Congo, Charleston and Cleveland, of Darfur and Detroit Of all refugee children without a country to welcome them, at sea in flimsy boats, struggling across steaming deserts to find safety, or caged in holding pens as they seek asylum, Help us to love and respect and protect and welcome them all. O God of Black and Brown and White children and those all mixed...
August 12, 2019
On August 2 I wrote about the relentless scourge of gun violence and the two children killed in Gilroy, California and asked: Why does gun violence remain a uniquely horrible American epidemic and why does it go on and on and on and on? Two days later a new shooting made national headlines when an employee killed two people and injured a police officer at a Mississippi Walmart. Then came El Paso. 22 died. 24 injured. Then came Dayton. 9 died. 27 injured. In one week 36 people died and more than 60 were injured not including the dozens of others killed by daily gun violence. A child or teen is...

August 2, 2019
Will our nation ever decide to prioritize children’s lives over guns? Once again the headlines this week were all too familiar: “‘Nothing short of horrific’: Three killed, including two children, in shooting at California food festival.” “Gilroy joins grim fraternity of communities terrorized by mass shootings.” On Sunday, a dozen people were injured by a gunman with an assault-style weapon who fired on the Gilroy Garlic Festival, a beloved annual community event in the city 80 miles southeast of San Francisco. The three people killed were 25-year-old Trevor Irby, 13-year-old Keyla Salazar,...
July 25, 2019
I’ve never forgotten my family’s sadness over the senseless death of my childhood neighbor little Johnny Harrington, who lived three houses down from our church parsonage in segregated Bennettsville, South Carolina. Johnny stepped on a rusted nail and died of the resulting tetanus infection because his hard-working grandmother had no doctor to advise her nor the money to pay for health care. Over the last four decades the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) has fought alongside many others to champion policies and programs that work to ensure every child in America gets vaccinated against...
July 19, 2019
I was devastated by the loss earlier this year of Dr. Donald Stewart. He and his wife Isabel Carter Stewart have been among my dearest, dearest friends. Donald served as president of my alma mater Spelman College from 1976 to 1986, overlapping with my own tenure on Spelman’s Board of Trustees and then as Board Chair, where he took Spelman to new heights and set it on the path to its standing today as a leading liberal arts and historically Black college ranked #51 on U.S. News and World Report’s list of National Liberal Arts Colleges. I was so proud when Spelman’s robotics team made history...

July 12, 2019
Next week, clergy, seminarians, religious educators, community organizers, young adult leaders and other faith-based advocates in the intergenerational, interracial, multi-ethnic, ecumenical community pursuing justice for our nation’s children will come together at the Children’s Defense Fund’s Haley Farm in Tennessee for the 25th Annual CDF Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Child Advocacy Ministry. The theme for this year’s gathering is “Guide Our Feet: Pursuing Justice for All God’s Children.” As we focus on the many urgent challenges facing children and families right now, especially...
July 3, 2019
This Fourth of July I am returning to the wise words of my late friend Dr. Vincent Harding, the revered historian, theologian, social justice activist, and visionary who never lost sight of the “beloved community” his friend and colleague Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed our nation and world could become. In July 2012 on his 81st birthday Dr. Harding spoke at the National and Racial Healing Town Hall at a Children’s Defense Fund’s conference. He told us he believed America was a wounded nation, but despite so many years of struggle he remained convinced America could and must get better...

June 28, 2019
It is inconceivable that the latest headlines come from a civilized nation. “Detained Migrant Children Denied Adequate Food, Water & Sanitation in Texas.” “There Is a Stench: No Soap and Overcrowding in Detention Centers for Migrant Children.” “‘The Taliban gave me toothpaste’: Former captives contrast U.S. treatment of child migrants.” Last week’s Associated Press report exposed the details of the inhumane conditions and neglect at the Clint, TX Border Patrol station: “Lawyers warn that kids are taking care of kids, and there’s inadequate food, water and sanitation for the 250 infants,...

June 21, 2019
MaryLee Allen was a brilliant, passionate, persevering, caring servant leader—not a self-serving leader—committed to helping build a world fit for children. When the Children’s Defense Fund was brand new, I was searching for smart, passionate people to help with our earliest work. One of the very first ones I found was MaryLee. Immediately after graduating from Marquette University with her degree in sociology MaryLee had come to Washington, D.C. to join the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, where she prepared research for lawsuits on school desegregation and discrimination in...
June 17, 2019
The Trump administration’s cruel treatment of children and families at the border has not stopped. Children continue to die in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), including 16-year-old Carlos Gregorio Hernández Vásquez, who died May 20 just hours after being diagnosed with the flu. Despite the law requiring unaccompanied migrant children to be transferred to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) within 72 hours, Carlos had been held for more than a week in a processing center in McAllen, Texas where CBP said “large numbers” of migrants were...

June 7, 2019
Close your eyes and think about the words summer school. What comes to mind? If you picture a room full of children clapping, cheering, laughing and falling in love with reading you could be imagining the experience thousands of children across the country are about to have as they participate in the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools® program. More than 1,400 college-aged servant leader interns, site coordinators and partners came together this week for National Training at historic CDF Alex Haley Farm in Clinton, Tennessee to learn how to teach the “Freedom Schools way,” strategies for...
May 31, 2019
As the school year ends and families look ahead to summer plans, I hope many will be able to consider travel that is not just a vacation, but an education and inspiration. Several years ago I had the opportunity to take my granddaughters with me to Selma, Alabama, where they got to meet Mrs. Amelia Boynton Robinson and other civil rights s/heroes during celebrations commemorating the historic 1965 voting rights marches from Selma to Montgomery. Over age 100, Mrs. Boynton was still feisty and lucid in her wheelchair, and told her listeners in the audience: “Stop telling me you stand on my...
May 24, 2019
I was deeply sorry to hear of the passing of my friend Mayor Unita Blackwell. She was one of a kind. She was always laughing and making other people laugh and she never stopped growing, learning, rolling with the punches, and punching back when she had to. As a civil rights activist, a member of the executive committee of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party along with Fannie Lou Hamer, and the first Black woman mayor in Mississippi, Unita achieved many “firsts.” She was elected mayor of Mayersville, Mississippi in 1976 and served for more than 20 years. She also became President of the...
May 20, 2019
As a teenager, many of Barbara Johns’ wildest dreams were about a surprising subject: a new school. “My imagination would run rampant—and I would dream that some mighty man of great wealth built us a new school building or that our parents got together and surprised us with this grand new building and we had a big celebration—I even imagined that a great storm came through and blew down the main building and splattered the shacks to splinters …” Then a day came when 16-year-old Barbara decided to put her dreams into action. “It was time that Negroes were treated equally with whites, time that...
May 10, 2019
“I can’t do a lot of the extra stuff that I would like to do for my kids or with my kids because I just can’t afford to. No vacations. There’s not too much going to the movies or little outings. Even getting school uniforms together is expensive. Sometimes they have to wear stuff from last year. I have a lot of guilt because I can’t provide for them the way that I want to.” The Children’s Defense Fund recently released our latest report on Ending Child Poverty Now once again showing just how much poverty is hurting our children and nation and sullying our pretensions to be an equal...

May 3, 2019
“I would come home and there would be no electricity, I would have no water to bathe in. Sometimes there wouldn’t be food, there would just be water in the refrigerator.” –Taylor, honored by the Children’s Defense Fund-Texas with a Beat the Odds® scholarship No child should have to worry where her next meal will come from or whether she will have a place to sleep each night in the wealthiest nation on earth. Yet more than 12.8 million poor children in America face these harsh realities every day. It is a moral disgrace, a costly injustice and a profound economic threat that nearly 1 in 5...
April 26, 2019
Baby dolls, tiny trucks, toy food and dress-up capes. Scattered about the ballroom of a motel in Northeast Washington, D.C., and captured in a Washington Post column by Petula Dvorak, these hallmarks of child’s play are not merely a sign of productive imaginations—they’re evidence of a larger child and family poverty crisis that must end in our affluent nation. Twenty minutes outside the city’s downtown, a stretch of budget motels along a major highway serve as overflow shelters for homeless families in the nation’s capital. They have strict rules about where children are seen and heard...
April 17, 2019
We are living through trying times as a nation when many are longing for justice. Sometimes it seems, in the words of poet James Russell Lowell, we are watching “Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.” But hope comes every day from the groundswell of people still refusing to accept the forces of hatred, division, greed, and corruption and instead standing up to say we are better than this. The arc of the moral universe is long but it still bends towards justice. The Passover and Easter holidays are times of joyous sacred celebration in their faith traditions, with family...

April 12, 2019
Every day I wear a pair of medallions around my neck with portraits of two of my role models: Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. As a child I read books about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. She and the indomitable and eloquent Sojourner Truth represent countless anonymous slave women whose bodies and minds were abused and whose voices were muted by slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and sexism throughout our nation’s history. Although Harriet Tubman could not read books, she could read the stars to find her way north to freedom. And she freed not only herself from slavery but...
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