Lori Dorfman
Dr. Lori Dorfman is a Director at Berkeley Media Studies Group. You can visit us online at bmsg.org, follow us @BMSG, like us on
Blog Post List

September 11, 2015
#BacktoSchool shouldn't have to mean that kids go back to being exposed to extra marketing for junk food. But in too many schools, that's exactly the case. Scoreboards, vending machines, textbooks, fundraisers, school discount nights at local restaurants, and even even scholarships are all common vehicles that food and beverage companies use to sneak marketing into schools. But as parents, here's what you can do: First, learn about junk food marketing in schools . Then, discuss the issue with your kids, and challenge them to see how many different types of marketing they can spot. If their...
October 31, 2013
Food marketers are pioneers on the frontier of marketing, producing some of the most engaging and sophisticated advertising around. Too bad they are using such creativity to target kids with sugar, salt, fat and other junk. The examples come so fast we can barely keep track of them (though we try at Digital Ads ). Food marketers are enticing kids to eat unhealthy foods with flashy advergames, contests, and coupons sent directly to their cell phones. Even TV commercials tie into online “webisodes” and other engaging content that can absorb kids for hours on end. Add to that cartoon characters...