Larisha is a New Jersey mom of two beautiful girls originally from West Virginia. She runs the semicrunchyish parenting blog, We're Parents, with her fiance Andrew, which discusses their natural parenting approach, recipes their kids enjoy eating, and their family travels. She is a huge advocate of breastfeeding and extended breastfeeding, safe co-sleeping practices, and car seat safety.
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August 3, 2016
I knew when I found out I was pregnant with my first that I wanted to attempt to breastfeed. I set a meager goal of six short weeks. We battled through those first few weeks learning from each other, dealing with a dairy intolerance, engorgement and more. But before I knew it, we were passing the one year mark. Approaching the two year mark of breastfeeding, we discovered we were pregnant again. One of my first thoughts, after being terrified of having another child, was that I didn’t want to tandem breastfeed . I didn’t want to have to worry about breastfeeding a strong-willed toddler while...