Ahna Bizjak is a mother of two from Oregon, WI. She is an active participant of community health efforts, serving as PTO president at Brooklyn Elementary School, where she led efforts to improve healthy fundraisers and nutritional options for afterschool events.
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Childcare & Early Education Environmental Health Family Economic Security Food! Health Care MomsRising
May 9, 2017
By Ahna Bizjak, Parent and Former PTO President, Oregon School District, WI When it comes to learning healthy habits, parents are children’s first teachers. From cooking nutritious meals at home to being a role model for staying physically active, we lay the foundation for our children’s future health habits. Aside from home, children spent the majority of their time at school, making it an ideal place to reinforce these healthy habits. As a mom of two, it’s vitally important to me that my children’s school prioritizes health. First and foremost, a healthy body supports a healthy mind. When...