Sunshine Muse is a health equity consultant contributing to the field of maternal and infant health by shifting paradigms and experiences to help create a world where public health is more effective, people are more thoughtfully engaged and history is not forgotten.
Blog Post List

March 30, 2020
Bonita Applebaum* was living a pretty healthy life. She had recently lost quite a bit of weight, switched to a whole foods diet and was getting good exercise and managing her anxiety with more ease. When she woke up with a scratchy throat on March 10, 2020, she figured it may be a recurrent side effect from her sleep apnea machine (CPAP) and wasn’t too worried. She took her temperature that morning and did not have a fever. Bonita works in the service industry and when she developed a low-grade fever of 99.1 the next day, Bonita called into work. Bonita’s symptoms initially included: low...

March 26, 2020
If Octavia Butler a cutting edge Black female science fiction writer, were alive today, what would she say ? In her stories there were always female protagonists, she wrote herself into the story and took us with her. We are the earth loving sheros, the shape shifting elders, the isolated but actionable young women who somehow find places inside of ourselves that give us the courage (even if afraid) to take action. We are the ones who can find and build community under dire straits, who can supersede chaos to find love amidst it. If Octavia Butler were alive, I would be tuned into her channel...

Breastfeeding Childcare & Early Education Health Care Maternal Justice Open Flexible Work Paid Family Leave Politics & Policy Social & Emotional Development
August 1, 2017
This piece is published in partnership with Echoing Ida, a Forward Together Program. Current data indicates that black women have the lowest rates of breastfeeding in the US. There are many reasons for this, including lack of access to resources, substandard healthcare, personal choice and historical trauma. But what is not true however, are popular myths that black women do not know how to breastfeed, have not been exposed to breastfeeding or do not value it for our children. As an African American health disparities professional who works to improve infant and maternal health outcomes, I...