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Education Fund

The root of the word discipline comes from discipulus which means learner or pupil.

Understanding Discipline and What it Really Means

May 15, 2023
The root of the word discipline comes from discipulus which means learner or pupil. At one point humans understood that discipline was actually about learning and not so much about punishment. In the horse (and human) herd, discipline is a loving and protective act. Teaching our youngsters how to...
Beth Anstandig's picture

Starting October 1, 2023 childcare providers get free or $15 child care!

May 15, 2023
Did you hear the great news……?! I taught at a Montessori preschool for 15 years. I loved my job, and it was an honor to guide some of Washington’s youngest learners and help them develop essential cognitive and social skills. But I was never paid a living wage, and I struggled to make ends meet. I...
Reshonna Booker-Reynolds's picture

En este Día de la Madre queremos más que caramelos y flores, ¡queremos libertad!

May 12, 2023
El Día de la Madre es un GRAN día... un día de celebración, de amor, de recuerdo, de flores y tal vez de un poco de baile mientras reímos, nos abrazamos, lloramos y posiblemente incluso nos enojemos... y también un día en el que cada una de nosotras juntas podemos tomar alguna acción rápida,...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Parents Bill of Rights flyer

March 2023 #KeepMarching meeting: Debunking the "Parents Bill of Rights"

May 9, 2023
During March's #KeepMarching meeting, we dove deep into what the so-called “Parents Bill of Rights”is really about, the harm it will have on our kids and communities, and explored ideas for protecting our communities. We are very grateful to Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, MomsRising’s Executive Director...
Joy Ikekhua's picture

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week Reminds Us That Our Stories Matter

May 1, 2023
It is often the stories that we don’t share that are amongst the most important ones. I know that after I gave birth to my son 21 years ago no one knew that I was hardly eating and regularly crying both in private and in public. It was only years later that I felt comfortable sharing that with...
Gina Arias's picture

Immigrant is Only One Label

April 21, 2023
Partnering with Mamás Con Poder for Women’s History Month to feature Latina Immigrant stories was such an honor. Immigrant women make contributions in our communities. Their stories make an impact in our lives. momsrising-85.jpg Texas Latina Immigrant Women Throughout Women’s History Month, I...
Before you can lead others. You have to lead you.

Modeling Vulnerability and Rethinking Leadership

April 17, 2023
Before you can lead others. You have to lead you. If you are taking care of your own needs, listening to your own needs, leading yourself through your day and through your life with some stability, then you are able to actually lead (and parent) others. Whether that’s on a small scale with a couple...
Beth Anstandig's picture

Apoyemos las comidas escolares más saludables

April 6, 2023
¿Quieres que las comidas que se sirven en la cafetería de la escuela de tu hijo/a sean más saludables y nutritivas? Ahora tienes una oportunidad de hacer que esto ocurra apoyando los estándares nutricionales que acaba de proponer la administración Biden-Harris para los programas nacionales de...
Jessica Burroughs's picture

Support Healthier School Meals

April 5, 2023
Would you like to see healthier, more nutritious school meals served up in your child’s school cafeteria? You now have a window of opportunity to make that happen by supporting the nutrition standards just proposed by the Biden-Harris Administration for the National School Lunch and School...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
MomsRising delivering storybook to Senator's staff

Parents across PA and the country thank Senator Fetterman for bravery around mental health

March 27, 2023
Here at MomsRising, we're often delivering packets of constituent signatures and stories to our elected officials. It's a great way for parents to voice their opinions and concerns. However last week in Pennsylvania, we had a much different kind of petition to deliver, one delivering caring and...
Stephanie Lane's picture
