Send a Burrito-Gram for Sick Days in Ohio
Want to send a "Burrito-Gram" to Ohio leaders? It's a fun way to make a serious point about the need for paid sick days in Ohio.
WHY DO THIS? This week, a Chipotle Restaurant in Kent closed its doors after people who ate there became ill. A total of 432 people have been affected so far (the number is still climbing) and investigators have collected enough information to suspect that a norovirus brought to work by a sick employee may be the cause. Chipotle was quick to point the finger at a sick employee too: it reopened on Saturday with employees from other store locations, reportedly because of concern that a sick employee might be the source of the outbreak.[1]
But, in the food-service industry especially, why on earth would a sick employee be working? Here's why: Chipotle, like most restaurants, doesn't offer paid sick days to its hourly employees. Not a single one. In fact, 86% of service sector workers don't have paid sick days.
We can change this! Right now, the Ohio State Legislature has the opportunity to do something about this problem--protecting public health by passing a law requiring employers to allow their workers to earn paid sick days. But the General Assembly hasn't moved this bill forward yet. We think it's time to drive home the critical importance of paid sick days legislation to public health, and we have a great way for you to do just that:
BURRITO-GRAMS: Send a Chipotle Burrito, with your message about why sick days are important to you, to an Ohio Legislator!
It's free!
(By clicking the above link, you'll be able to send your own personal message to the Committee in the Ohio Legislature which hasn't moved the paid sick days bill forward yet. Next week, we'll deliver real burritos, in person, with your message urging them to pass paid sick days for everyone.)
Your message matters -- and a burrito will seal the deal! Ask your friends to send messages too by forwarding this email to them! It is outrageous that people who handle our food can't stay home when they're sick. In fact it's outrageous that most people can't stay home when they are sick! Tell your friends how they can help today.
Send your free Burrito-Gram now!
Thank you to Brian and Dale at Ohioans for Healthy Families for their tremendous work on this issue.
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