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It's time to celebrate again! Yesterday, President Obama signed into law an expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), bringing healthcare to 11 million children. Thank you for the more than 135,000 letters you sent this year in support of a strong SCHIP! You rock!

We've tasted success and it whets our appetites for more. Tell Congress: Thank you for putting our kids first! Now, let's move on to broader health reform to make sure that all kids and adults are covered.

Send a letter now

A parent's worst nightmare is having a seriously ill child with no healthcare coverage. But our second worst nightmare? Being sick ourselves with no healthcare coverage. And unfortunately, too many Americans are living this nightmare right now. In fact, medical bills are a leading cause of bankruptcy in this country.

We've seen that we have the power to change America. So, put down the champagne for a minute and tell Congress: Thank you and we've got your backs as we fight for the economic security of healthcare for every child and adult.

Send a letter now

A great way to get every kid and adult covered is to make sure that every adult is asking for coverage! Send this to your friends and family, and especially the uninsured or underinsured, so they can join their voices with all of ours.

And a big Thanks also goes to you for all your hard work to bring healthcare to 11 million children. Together, we're building a healthy and strong future for all our kids.

P.S. If you have lost healthcare because of the recession or struggled to make ends meet because of medical bills, tell us about by posting a comment to this blog.

P.P.S. You can watch a video on President Obama signing SCHIP here:

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