Healthy kids need to move it, move it.
That’s why Salud America! is presenting six new #SaludHeroes who helped give Latino kids more physical activity.
#SaludHeroes are:
Mud Run for Kids. Elementary teachers Fred Bailon and John Soto started mud runs for students to help fight obesity in San Antonio, Texas, which is mostly Latino.
Taking a “Brain Break” in Class. A principal launched brain breaks and new physical activity programs at Simon Middle School, which is 90% Latino, in Kyle, Texas.
P.E. + Recess + Class Exercise = Trifecta of Play. Chicago Public Schools, which are 45% Latino, enacted a new districtwide health policy for 30 minutes of daily P.E., 20 minutes of recess, and 10 minutes of in class physical activity to all students.
Calling on “P.E. Specialists.” The Shape Up San Francisco coalition helped bring P.E. specialists to train teachers in the skills needed to provide students with quality P.E.
Free Wheels for Kids. By bringing bike clubs to schools and facilities across Kansas City, Kan., and its growing Latino population, the nonprofit FreeWheels for Kids is helping kids stay active, fix bikes, map trails, and advocate for bike-friendly policies.
Biking/Walking to School. Parents in Fairfax, Va., helped push for new school district transportation policies to get safer routes for kids to walk and bike to school.
The #SaludHeroes with the most votes will be announced in an email and a social media message from Salud America! on Jan. 29, 2015. The winner also will get their video prominently displayed on the new #Salud Heroes YouTube page.
To vote, enter the random drawing, and see contest rules, go here.
Don't miss out! Voting ends Jan. 27, 2015.
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