On this #RADIO show we feature one of the top pollsters in the nation sharing what’s really going on right now in our nation, then we hear from a noted CNN commentator and author about her take on the battle between Bernie and Hillary. The show then moves to hear about the #AskTheMayor campaign from Constance Malcolm, a grieving mother turned activist whose unarmed son, Ramarley Graham, was fatally shot in their Bronx apartment by New York City police officer, Richard Haste. The show closes with the inside scoop on a new report, Overworked America: The economic causes and consequences of working long hours.
*Special guests include:
- Celinda Lake, Lake Research & award-winning author - @celindalake;
- Sally Kohn, CNN commentator and author - @sallykohn;
- Constance Malcolm, mother of Ramarley Graham, #AskTheMayor campaign - @RiseUp4Ramarley;
- Heather Boushey, Executive Director, Equitable Growth & Senior Economist at American Progress - @HBoushey.
- In the DC-area and on many stations across the nation;
- On TuneIn's Progressive Voices
- On WeActRadio
- as a podcast on iTunes
- right here on the MomsRising site.
Let us know what you think about this week's episode!
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