In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, MomsRising is excited to discuss how food and aging play out in the Latino community in the United States, during the September 16, 2016 #FoodFri tweetchat. Our featured guest and co-host, the National Hispanic Council of Aging, will join us to discuss the the importance of seniors in the Latino community, how hunger is affecting those seniors, and what resources are available to Hispanic seniors.
Click here to learn more about our co-host.
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More about our #FoodFri Featured Co-Host(s):
The National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) is the leading national organization working to improve the lives of Hispanic older adults, their families and their caregivers.
To achieve its mission, NHCOA has developed a Hispanic Aging Network of community-based organizations across the continental U.S., the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that reaches millions of Latinos each year. NHCOA also works to ensure the Hispanic community is better understood and fairly represented in U.S. policies.
By encouraging a multicultural dialogue and sharing the best of their talents, NHCOA believes in building a stronger America in which we can all age securely, with dignity, greater self-sufficiency, and in the best possible health.
To learn more about NHCOA and their work visit their website at www.nhcoa.orgor follow them on social media. Facebook:https://www.
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