Parents are passionate about water quality and access in schools. The stories below are included in our latest Healthy Schools Storybook, which parents are delivering to schools across the country in 2016 and 2017. Download a complete and free version of the storybook here.
Clean water is the most important drink anyone can have, not sugary drinks.
– Katherine, Martinez, CA
All American schools have to have clean, accessible water in school. Otherwise, the students might get sick.
– Sergio, Miami, FL
Everyone should have access to clean water, especially children. Lead can be especially damaging to the brains of young children. I send my children to school expecting them to learn, not to come home with lead poisoning!
– Ilene, Atlanta, GA
This is a no brainer. We’ve seen what happened to children in Flint, MI. We want healthy children with healthy brain function. We want clean water for drink- ing and washing hands.
– Sherlie, Chicago, IL
First and foremost, water is a right. Kids need access to water during the day to stay hydrated and healthy. In our older schools it is vitally important that we
make sure the water is free of not only lead, but, increasingly, the toxins found in water near heavy fracking areas. Life- long health problems can occur from contaminated water.
– Marianne, Des Plaines, IL
All schools should have clean water not lead filled water!
– C W, McHenry, IL
All children, all people and beings rely on safe clean and accessible water to be healthy and to concentrate. Toxins dam- age the body.
– Bonnie, Downers Grove, IL
Without clean, accessible water in schools, students become dehydrated, and develop headaches. This impairs their ability to learn, and to do well on their assignments and tests.
– Linda, Hyattsville, MD
Clean water, free of lead, is necessary. Lead developes untreatable damage to developing brains. Too many recent news items mentioned newly discovered lead in school water fountains.
– William, Bowie, MD
Everyone is entitled to clean drinking water! It is a neccesity of life! So impor- tant children aren’t exposed to harmful things in their food, water, environment! They need the best to grow and develop the way they are supposed to!
– Dianè, Grand Rapids, MI
Water is crucial to life. Children need clean water throughout the day. And it needs to be free of chemicals and pol- lutants.
– Margaret, Ava, MO
Parents need to know that our children are in a safe environment when they are at school. That includes safe drinking water. If we don’t test our water for lead, we could be causing serious harm to our children’s development and our future. This is a MUST!
– Jen, Raleigh, NC
We need to be sure all schools are safe for our kids as water should be the top choice drink!
– Christina, Portsmouth, NH
Thankfully, our elementary school has a great water cooler/ fountain on the main level for the kids. It would be better if there were 2-3 more of these in the building.
– Janet, Portsmouth, NH
“Water should be safe anywhere and everywhere, but especially at schools. These children are our future. The water at every school should be tested to make sure that the water our children are drinking in their schools is safe.”
– Janice, Riverton, NJ
“Clean water should not be taken for granted. It is such an important factor for the health and growth of the body and mind.”
– Andrea, Dublin, CA
Clean drinking water plays an important role in maintaining a child’s over- all health. However, most children do not consume enough water. Adequate water intake not only supports a range of positive health outcomes, but it can also positively impact academic performance. Access to clean drinking water in schools is vital to increasing consumption, since children spend a large portion of their day at school.
– Trisha, Wenonah, NJ
Children must have access to water free from toxins.
– Tina, Salem, NY
Water is so important for health. Hav- ing access to clean water encourages student to drink water instead of sugary drinks.
– Sonya, Cleveland Hts, OH
Water needs to clean and free from lead and impurities.
– Kim, Toledo, OH
Without healthy clean water kids will be constantly sick and missing school, thus putting them further behind.
– Ed, Oklahoma City, OK
The tainted water crisis in Flint is not an isolated event; this past spring lead was found in one of our local public school districts. You assume that your child is safe at school, but to learn that their health is being undermined and inadvertently poisoned is frightening. Even though my young daughter is not school-aged yet, I’ve been closely watching the developing news about lead tainted water and how local offi- cials remediate and respond. Access to clean water is a basic right; we need to ensure that our schools continue to pro- vide this for our children.
– Sara, Tigard, OR
Clean water is imperative for kids to wash their hands, and drink from the water fountain.
– Kelly, Plano, TX
We’ve seen water quality become a scary issue in places like Flint, MI and areas of fracking such as PA and ND. We can no longer take safe drinking water for granted. Bottled water is a sham and should never be an option unless the taps are unsafe. Let kids stay hydrated. We know our brains need water to learn too!
– Caitlin, Waterbury, VT
Water is a necessity of life. Kids should be drinking mainly water throughout the day. They should be able to have ac- cess to clean safe water throughout the day.
– Jess, Colchester, VT
Clean water is as essential for kids as it is for everyone. Kids need access to water, not so drinks and junk food.
– Stephen, Waukesha, WI
When my 11 year old daughter watched the news about the water in Flint, she became very worried about the water in her own school and wanted it tested. Turns out the school did do some test- ing (all schools in the district did) and a couple were found with higher lead levels, but not hers. She was so relived. She’s 11! She shouldn’t be stressing out about such things!
– Rosslyn
Clean water should be accessible in school fountains and children should be able to drink water whenever they thirst.
– Gloria
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