Earned Sick Days for ALL of Rhode Island!
February 10, 2017
The news out of Washington D.C. has been dark and disturbing over the last few weeks, but good things are still moving forward here in Rhode Island – and YOU have the power to help turboboost this important progress.
This week, Rhode Island lawmakers introduced legislation that would enable working people to earn seven paid sick days each year. This is great news for RI families, businesses, and the state economy!
Urging your lawmakers to support this legislation can make all the difference for Rhode Island’s working families and their economic security. Right now, 41% of workers in Rhode Island can’t earn a single paid sick day to care for themselves, their child, or another loved one when illness strikes. That’s not okay because for an average family without paid sick days, just 3.5 days of missed work due to a cold or the flu is the equivalent to an entire month of groceries. Wow.
We want Rhode Island to be a state where no parent has to make the impossible choice between staying home with a sick child -- and losing a day’s pay or even their job -- or sending their little one to school sick so that they can keep food on the table and make ends meet.
Jennifer, a MomsRising member in Tiverton, RI is too familiar with this impossible choice:
“I work 3 part-time jobs. I am in this position due to the lack of full-time work available. If my children or I are sick, I have to lose income and struggle to pay bills, buy food, clothing and keep my mortgage afloat. Please help!”
The United States is the only wealthy nation in the world that doesn’t guarantee some form of paid sick time. Rhode Island has the chance to lead on this issue and join Connecticut, California, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Arizona in passing earned sick days!
Business owners also recognize what a boost paid sick days provide for their employees and their bottom line. Paid sick days reduce turnover costs, boost workplace morale, and help stop the spread of illness among workers. In fact, employees coming to work sick because they don't have access to paid sick days costs the national economy $160 billion annually because of lost productivity.
Earned sick days are a win-win-win for families, businesses, and the economy!
Together, we’re a powerful force for Rhode Island women and families.
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