#5Actions just for YOU!
Happy Monday! It’s time to roll up your sleeves for our Top #5Actions of the week (See below). You can do all five of the actions on one day, or spread them out across the week, your choice. The important thing is not when you do them, but IF you do them. And if you do them, your actions will add up with others, and you're sure to have an impact.
Here are the MomsRising Top #5Actions for this week for YOU:
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/survey/KeepMarchingTeleTownHall_Civics/
BACKGROUND: Be sure to be on TOMORROW NIGHT! MomsRising's very first #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall training on organizing and advocacy was a big, big hit! Belinda said: “This was such an awesome event. So informative! I LOVE how this group is engaging and productive and family-centered. Thank you so much!” Marianne said: “It was a great call. So much great information!” You don't want to miss our next MomsRising #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall training on civics. We’ll discuss questions including: How does a bill become a law? And how does Congress interact with the White House, Federal Agencies, with the Supreme Court, and with YOU? Sign up to join us on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, at 9 PM EDT/ 6 PM PDT to hear the exciting answers!
2. Urge Congress to Protect Health Care Now! We need you to raise your voice with us now: House Speaker Paul Ryan just released the U.S. House of Representatives “replacement” plan for the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) and, well, it’s bad. Like, really, really bad. 25 MILLION people could lose their health care coverage. And Congress is going to start voting on it soon.
→ ACTION: Call Congress to say: “Keep the healthcare protections we’ve gained in recent years!” 1-888-523-8974
*Sign our open letter to Congress, urging them to protect healthcare, too: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/AHCA_ACA_repeal/
BACKGROUND: Our voices have been making a difference on healthcare. Now it’s time to pump up our volume. The House Republicans' new plan, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), is a dangerous step in the wrong direction—it would harm women and children, people in rural areas and communities of color, while shifting costs onto hard-working families. The plan obliterates the Affordable Care Act and proposes a weak replacement that would make health insurance less affordable, less accessible, and less comprehensive. The AHCA, as currently written, will cost lives and hurt our economy. Medicaid is also under attack. Time is short. Voting is happening soon. So the clock is ticking for us to raise our voices—and NOW is a critical time to make our voices heard and for YOU to take action!
BACKGROUND: Ready, set, WIN! We could all use a win right about now...and we’re in luck! Family economic security policies aren't just moving forward in cities and states across the nation — they’re moving forward at the national level too: U.S. Senator Murray and U.S. Representative DeLauro swooped in last week (Super Woman style) with the reintroduction of the Healthy Families Act, national paid sick days legislation, which is a true win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the economy! Facts (yes real facts still exist thankfully) show that this policy boosts families and the economy. And in these uncertain and tenuous times, it’s more important than ever to fight for the 41 million workers, including HALF of all working moms, who can’t earn a single paid sick day to stay home when they come down with the flu — or need to care for a sick child. Over 160 countries have passed this type of policy — and we can too. Now is the time. We can, and we must, fix this! Together with raising the minimum wage, paid family & medical leave, and equal pay, paid sick days helps ensure the economic security of families across our nation, especially in the most vulnerable communities, including communities of color and Muslim, immigrant, and LGBTQ+ families, as well as rural communities, all of whom are disproportionately facing unjust and harmful actions from the Trump Administration.
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/signup/MRKeepMarchingCircles/
BACKGROUND: If you’ve been fired up and looking for ways to raise your voice and take action in support of families, communities, and our country... If you are ready to gather your family, friends and neighbors to storm the barricades in resistance… Sign up to be a MomsRising #KeepMarching Circle Leader! #KeepMarching Circles are an easy way to give form and function to what you’re likely already looking to do or may even be doing already: Meeting with others to talk about politics and share your anger and disgust, emailing around to each other petitions and actions to sign, gathering for postcard parties, attending town hall meetings together, and so much more.
Thank you for all you do to make our nation stronger and a place where everyone can thrive! #KeepMarching!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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