California, add your name! Families should not have to choose between a job and affordable childcare!
California friends, I wanted to make sure you heard the update!
You might remember that the Governor’s original budget proposal in January reneged on millions of dollars in promised funding for early learning programs.Thousands of MomsRising members across California jumped into action and urged Governor Brown not to put “a pause” on California’s kids.
I have some good news - he listened!
What’s happening?
On Thursday, Governor Brown released his proposed May Revise budget and made a significant step forward for kids and families in our Golden State. He is moving forward with investments in early learning which will increase the number of children served in our state preschool program and increase provider reimbursement rates to keep them in line with the increase in California’s minimum wage.
While these are welcome changes, we know that they are not enough to meet the changing needs of California’s families. Nearly half of our state’s infants and toddlers are from families who are struggling to make ends meet [1], and it’s estimated that six out of seven children eligible for subsidized child care in California did not receive services [2] .
It’s painfully clear that our kids and families need a boost. While Governor’s budget will increase the number of children served in our state preschool program, it fails to fully meet the need for subsidized child care and does not update 10-year-old income eligibility guidelines. Updating the 10-year-old income eligibility guidelines would give today’s working families a much needed boost by ensuring that while they experience the benefits from increased wages, they will also still be able to access quality, affordable child care opportunities.
Working families should not have to choose between a job and affordable childcare! As the Governor and the legislature finalize the state budget this June, we want them to remember that no family should have to choose between a supporting their family and accessing affordable childcare.
Research tells us that high-quality early learning matters -- it provides the foundation on which our kids’ hopes and dreams will be built. Early learning programs (like preschool and childcare) are a win all-around -- for families, for communities, and for our economy.
We applaud the governor for taking steps in the right direction for California’s families, and hope that both Governor Brown and the California legislature will continue to lift up kids and families by increasing access to affordable, quality early learning programs in our Golden State.
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