Raise Your Voice This Week! #5Actions
Even though it's summer, we can't take a break from speaking out on important issues that matter to parents and families -- like healthcare, gun safety, and net neutrality. We resist, and we persist.
Guess what? It's working! Voices like yours have successfully stalled the very-bad Senate healthcare bill. So far. But we can't let up the pressure for even a minute.
Will you raise your voice with us on our Top 5 Actions of the Week, below? As always, each takes just a few moments, and has a big impact.
You can take all 5 actions at once, or do one a day. Your choice. What matters most is that you continue to speak out. And be sure to share this list with friends and family too.
Thank you!
1. Demand the NRA to Take Down its Vicious Incendiary Recruitment Video!
BACKGROUND: The NRA is using dangerous language to rally their members against progressives and people of color. In a vicious and incendiary recruitment ad with NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, filled with images from recent demonstrations, the NRA creates an illusion of safety for their members by threatening the safety of others. We will not stand for it! Join MomsRising and the Women's March in denouncing the video and calling on the NRA to take it down, apologize, and also issue a statement condemning the death Philando Castile at the hands of police for being a legal gun owner.
2. Tell FCC and Congress: Protect Net Neutrality!
BACKGROUND: An open internet is essential to protecting freedoms we hold dear: our ability to innovate, speak our mind, connect, and hear diverse voices and opinions. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to roll back 2015 rules that require internet service providers (ISPs) to treat all content the same. We can't let them. Join us to say NO!
Net Neutrality ensures a level playing field. It stops ISPs from blocking or suppressing content. It limits them from manipulating the speed at which you receive certain content, or selling premium access to the highest bidder. Net Neutrality ensures that when we raise our voices online, they can be heard - loud and clear. Join us to take action!
3. Call your Senators and Tell Them to Vote No on the Disastrous Republican Healthcare Bill!: 1-888-496-4842
BACKGROUND: The revised U.S. Senate Republican health care bill that was released on Thursday is just as much of a disgrace as its failed first draft. If passed, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) would be devastating for moms, children, families, the most vulnerable members of our society, and our economy. Millions of families will suffer if it becomes law.
This bill is ridiculously bad. It would take health coverage away from tens of millions of people, raise costs and gut protections for those who don’t lose their coverage altogether, make coverage unaffordable for those who need it the most, end Medicaid as we know it, and undermine our country’s economic growth and prosperity. If the U.S. Senate bill becomes law, most of the health insurance plans available would be much more expensive and much less comprehensive. The legislation would also defund Planned Parenthood, restricting women’s access to the primary and preventive care they need.
Call your Senator now! Tell them, "A vote for this bill would be a vote against America’s children and families!" 1-888-496-4842
4. Tell Congress: Tax cuts for working families, not billionaires!
BACKGROUND: President Trump and Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress are busy writing a plan that will hand out massive tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires and wealthy corporations―at your expense. To pay for their scheme, they will make deep cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, education programs and many other critical public services that we hold dear and that our families and communities depend on.
The chief architect of the Senate tax giveaway is U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (UT-R), chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee. He just announced that he’s requesting input “from experts and stakeholders” on how best to reform the tax system. We have only until July 17th to respond. Sign our letter to Senator Hatch and the U.S. Congress NOW!
5. Share your Experiences around Dual Language and Culturally-Responsive Early Education!
BACKGROUND: For many of us who are immigrants or the children of immigrants, language is intimately tied to our culture, how we connect with our loved ones, and how we navigate our communities. And with anti-immigrant bias at an all time high, it’s more important than ever that we celebrate the linguistic diversity of our communities.
If you're proud of being multilingual, raising a bilingual child, or support maintaining the linguistic diversity of our communities, we need YOUR help to build momentum for dual language education! Together, our stories help paint the picture for leaders of why celebrating and maintaining linguistic diversity supports the growth and overall well-being of all our children. To learn more about dual language programs and the benefits of bilingualism, visit our Bilingual Parenting Resource website: http://action.momsrising.org/survey/bilingual_baby/
Thank you for all you do superheroes! #KeepMarching!
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