Your #5Actions for This Week!
We had a huge victory this week, as the very-bad Senate healthcare bill came to a halt in Washington. The voices of parents, families, caregivers, partners, sisters and daughters like US made a huge difference. Sadly, the healthcare battle isn't over. But for a brief moment let's congratulate ourselves on a job well done.
Then let's roll up our sleeves and keep the momentum up on urgent issues in need of our attention, including the budget, net neutrality, opioids and more.
As always, we make it easy to speak out and make your voice heard through our weekly round-up of top actions, below. You can take all 5 actions at once, or do one a day. Your choice. What matters most is that you continue to speak out. And be sure to share this list with friends and family too.
Thank you!
1. Share your Experience with Opioids, Paid Family & Medical Leave, and Affordable Health Care
BACKGROUND: Many people dealing with their personal addiction to opioids, or other substances, need time away from work to seek care including doctor’s visits, rehab, medical care and more. Family members of people with addictions ALSO need time away from work to provide the supports needed for successful treatment. Do you have an experience to share? For example, At MomsRising we’ve heard stories about: People needing time away from work to seek treatment for themselves. Grandparents who are still in the workforce and needing time to help care for their grandchildren while their adult children seek help dealing with their addictions. Family members needing time from work to be with a family member who has been hospitalized due to overdoses. Your voice on this important topic really matters! The opioid crisis and substance abuse, in general, are top of mind right now for a lot of people in Washington, D.C. They may have a lot of numbers and research, but they need to hear the stories of real people and what real people need right now. Please share yours now.
2. Tell Congress: Boost Families, Not Fear!
BACKGROUND: President Trump released his budget request for fiscal year 2018 in May and it is devastating: He’s asking taxpayers to support massive cuts to programs for workers, women, children, people with disabilities, the LGBT community, rural communities, people of color, and seniors; all while providing tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and wealthy corporations. At the same time, he is asking for an additional $4.5 billion to implement his destructive Executive Orders that have already played a role in ripping families and communities apart. Not to mention funding his ridiculous and dangerous vanity project on the Southern border, which will do little to address the issues our nation is facing and only serve to further ostracise and discriminate against our immigrant and Latinx families. Tell Congress boost families, not fear!
3. Demand the NRA Take Down its Vicious Incendiary Recruitment Video!
BACKGROUND: The NRA is using dangerous language to rally their members against progressives and people of color. In a vicious and incendiary recruitment ad with NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, filled with images from recent demonstrations, the NRA creates an illusion of safety for their members by threatening the safety of others. We will not stand for it! Join MomsRising and the Women's March in denouncing the video and calling on the NRA to take it down, apologize, and also issue a statement condemning the death Philando Castile at the hands of police for being a legal gun owner.
4. Tell FCC and Congress: Protect Net Neutrality!
BACKGROUND: An open internet is essential to protecting freedoms we hold dear: our ability to innovate, speak our mind, connect, and hear diverse voices and opinions. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to roll back 2015 rules that require internet service providers (ISPs) to treat all content the same. We can't let them. Join us to say NO!
Net Neutrality ensures a level playing field. It stops ISPs from blocking or suppressing content. It limits them from manipulating the speed at which you receive certain content, or selling premium access to the highest bidder. Net Neutrality ensures that when we raise our voices online, they can be heard - loud and clear. Join us to take action!
5. Share Where You Pumped (free sticker!)
BACKGROUND: Together we can bring women out of bathroom stalls and into the pumping rooms they deserve! We've laughed about it. In conversations about some of our experiences breastfeeding and the ridiculous places we've had to pump breastmilk. We share horror stories about having to pump in cars, in bathrooms, and in the busy lobby of an office building! Which is why we are so excited to share these awesome, free, and removable #IPumpedHere stickers with you! Simply slap it on the wall or a surface where you’re pumping, snap a pic with your phone, hashtag the picture with #IPumpedHere and post it to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. 60% of pumping women don't have basic workplace accommodations or adequate break time. But, with these stickers and your help, we're about to change that.
Thank you for all you do superheroes! #KeepMarching!
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