Send a Letter to Your Local Paper Speaking Out Against the Tax Bill
Something really scary happened recently! Scarier than those ghosts, witches, and ghouls that showed up trick-or-treating at your door the other night. Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill today that would give $1.5 trillion (TRILLION!!) in tax cuts to the top 1% and wealthy corporations. And guess who they are trying to get to foot the bill?
You and me!!! Seriously! Boo—that’s terrifying!
The clock is ticking for us to raise our voices. Now is a critical time to make our voices heard in our local newspapers. President Trump and his Republican cronies in the U.S. Congress want to move this tax bill quickly (as in before Thanksgiving!), hoping that moms, dads, and concerned voters won’t pay any attention to what they are doing. But we know better! They need to know that families back in their state and district are standing up, taking notice, and are expecting them to create tax policies that work for working families, NOT the wealthy and the powerful.
Here’s the lowdown: In order to pay for the tax cuts that President Trump and extremist Republicans in Congress want for their rich cronies and Wall Street corporations, they need to make massive budget cuts in other places. Their not-so-bright idea is to cut critical programs like Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Meals on Wheels, disaster relief, and education programs, so the Republican leadership will be able to hand out trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the already wealthy. Boo! Just last week they rushed a national budget through Congress that slashes healthcare, nutrition, and early education programs. The next step they are trying to solidify their trickle-down economics plan of doom is to pass this terrible tax package, which will only mean more cuts to programs that boost families and the economy over the next decade, and raising taxes on many low and middle income families. We need to increase the visibility of this issue and put pressure on Congress to reject this tax package!
You taking a moment to write a Letter to the Editor now will send a strong signal to Congress that their constituents are concerned about the future of our healthcare, nutrition, and education. Plus: Members of Congress pay special attention to their local newspapers!
We need to loudly speak out against all of this and make our voices heard in our local newspapers!
We want to flood our local newspapers with Letters to the Editors NOW so that the lies President Trump and his colleagues are telling about this bill don’t get the headlines. The truth is this tax bill isn’t for me, for you, and for the vast majority of families in this country. It won’t create jobs. It will hurt our economy. It will hurt our families.
Don’t worry—sending the Letter to the Editor is super easy! When you click on the link above, we’ll lead you through a quick process to write a Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper. This tool is pretty magical—you can easily edit our pre-drafted letter, if you wish (inserting your personal story if you have one!), and send it to your paper with just a few clicks.
The pre-drafted letter (which you can edit when you click through to the link!) simply says:
“Republicans in Congress are trying to push through a tax bill that would be detrimental to the families in our community and our local economy.
In order to pay for the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations, Trump and his allies will not only raise taxes on millions of low- and middle- income Americans and increase our deficit, but they plan to cut vital health care, nutrition, and education programs like Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, WIC, and Head Start to pay for it. These programs boost our economy by creating local job growth, higher wages and increased tax revenue for states since the money gets spent immediately locally.
We need our elected officials to stand up against this awful tax plan! True tax reform would create policies that boost working families, not Wall Street. Not one penny should go to the 1% at the expense of our families well-being and our economy’s stability. Working families have nothing to gain from the Trump and Republican tax proposal, and we should all speak up to defeat it.”
After you click the link to send your Letter to the Editor, please forward this email to friends—and also post the action link on Facebook and Twitter.
The more of us who send letters, the bigger the impact we’ll have in defeating this terrible tax bill.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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