MomsRising Fighting for CHIP!
On Wednesday, MomsRising took to Capitol Hill to discuss the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We made it loud and clear that Congress should not gamble with our kids. CHIP expired at the end of September, and Congress has yet to reauthorize the historically bipartisan legislation. As a result, the future of nearly 9 million children’s health insurance is in jeopardy. Children’s health is not something to gamble on and it certainly should not be used as a bargaining chip to pass other legislation.
MomsRising member, Connie, spoke at a press conference with Senators Stabenow, Hirono, and Casey. She told her story and explained how CHIP has helped two of her three children (the third is covered under Medicaid) to thrive. CHIP has provided her kids with consistent coverage of dentist appointments and annual check-ups at the doctor. CHIP is the reason her children are healthy. As a nurse, Connie provides health care to others on a daily basis; if CHIP is not reauthorized, Connie will have to struggle to provide her very own children with health care. This is simply unjust!
As Senator Casey said at the press conference, if certain members of Congress will bend over backward to provide the 1% with generous tax breaks, they should be able to provide children with health care, too.
After the press conference, we visited senator’s office and provided them with our CHIP storybook and a poker CHIP to send the message, that our kids’ health insurance is not to be gambled with!
Connie and her kids with Senator Casey and MomsRising staff member Karen
Senator Hirono speaking at press conference
Connie speaking at press conference
Connie and her kids with Senator Stabenow
MomsRising members dropping of storybook at Senator Barrasso's office
MomsRising will continue to fight for CHIP and we hope you will join us in our efforts! If you have a story of your own about how CHIP has helped you or your loved ones, you can submit it here.
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