#5Actions of the Week: April 7, 2018
Were you able to join our incredible Town Hall meeting with Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday night? We couldn't be more excited to move into this next election season with some exciting plans and a firm commitment to helping parents get to the polls! Don't worry if you missed it - there's lots more to come.
Please find our weekly top #5Actions list below. Be sure to share with friends and family too. Thanks!
1. Demand Justice for Stephon Clark!
BACKGROUND: The police brutality epidemic in the United States is at an all time high. Over and over again, we have watched men and women of color be murdered in cold blood, while their murderers walk away free, unharmed, and even protected by the very systems that are supposed to protect us. Another Black man was shot TWENTY times to his death by Sacramento police on Sunday, March 18th, 2018. His name was Stephon Clark. He was only 22-years-old. Stephon was murdered in his own backyard. We are calling on Anne Marie Schubert, who is the District Attorney of Sacramento County, to demand total transparency of the investigation of Stephon Clark’s murder from beginning to end, because that is what his family deserves. No family should have to fear losing their loved ones at the hands of those sworn to protect. Sign on and stand with us!
2. Share Your SNAP Experience with MomsRising!
BACKGROUND: Your voice is needed! Help educate our national leaders about SNAP! The U.S. Congress is making important decisions about the future of SNAP (or food stamps) and we want to show how these changes would affect real moms, dads, children, and concerned voters. Personal stories are powerful and make a huge difference in helping members of Congress understand why SNAP is important to our nation's families. All experiences are powerful and you can share your story anonymously, if you prefer. Tell us how SNAP has helped you and your family and what it would mean if restrictions were placed on the program, like work requirements. After you share your story with us, we’ll share your thoughts and experiences with key decision-makers in your state and in Washington, D.C. Your brief thoughts can make a huge difference in the upcoming fight to protect SNAP!
3. Celebrate Bilingual Awareness Month
BACKGROUND: MomsRising/MamásConPoder is celebrating language diversity for National Bilingual Awareness Month throughout the month of April and we want to hear from you! For many of us who are immigrants, the children of immigrants, or live in diverse communities – our language is intimately tied to our identity, how we connect with our loved ones, and how we navigate our communities. And with anti-immigrant bias being at an all-time high, it’s more important than ever that we celebrate the diversity of our communities. If you're proud of being multilingual, raising a bilingual child, or support maintaining the linguistic diversity of our communities – be a #BilingualRiser with us this month and share your thoughts help to build momentum for dual language education! Together, our stories and thoughts help paint the picture for leaders of why celebrating and maintaining linguistic diversity supports the growth and overall well-being of all our children.
4. Join us for Online or On-the-Ground Events this Week!
Here's what's coming up!
April 10 | CO: Colorado Springs Equal Pay Day MeetUp, 4:30PM MST, MeetUp to support Rico's (MomsRising’s Equal Pay Day partner in Colorado Springs) and talk about how our members can get involved with equal pay and paid leave locally. RSVP here.
April 10 |WA: Seattle Equal Pay Day Party, 5:30PM PT, Equal Pay Day Party to celebrate WA’s new law and take action on future equal pay laws. RSVP here.
April 13 | Online: #FoodFri TweetChat, 1:00PM EST, joined by the Black Womens’ Health Initiative to talk about the “Change Your Lifestyle, change your life” initiative
April 14 | WA: Tax Day Rally in Seattle, 2:00PM PT, Local leaders, including MomsRising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, will be speaking out about Washington State’s and our nation’s upside down tax code. RSVP here.
5. Join the Keep Marching Volunteer Launch Team!
In less than one month, Keep Marching, a new book by MomsRising CEO Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, will be released and we are so excited. It’s a highly researched look at the barriers women face, solutions and action plans to break through, and a call for badass women for justice to come together and rise. YOU can help by joining the exclusive volunteer launch team. Find out more here! And don't forget to pre-order your copy on ->
Amazon | B&N | IndieBound
Thank you for all you do and #KeepMarching!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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