All of our children deserve the opportunity to succeed, whether they want to be an astronaut, open a restaurant, or play third base. Children are full of possibility and potential. As parents, caregivers and adults, that gives us great hope for this world. Our children will craft and create a bright and beautiful future.
Our role is to give our children the building blocks to succeed. The healthy school day is an important place to start.
And guess what? Schools need parents more than ever before. At a time when our Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is trying arm teachers with guns, and schools have more cops than counselors, it's more important than ever before for parents and caregivers to step up and get involved.
We can help! We’re thrilled to announce that our brand-new, hot-off-the-presses Parent Power Pack is full of useful information and resources for supporting the healthy school day.
We’ve made tremendous advances in recent years. Parents have helped usher in new updates to school foods that promote healthy meals, snacks and drinks. We’ve championed physical education, dual language learning, and ending the school to prison pipeline. We're seeing progress.
Our children and our families live multi-issue lives. In fact for many of us, safety in schools, or knowing we can take time off when our kids are sick, is at the top of our minds. That’s why this year’s Power Pack also includes resources around paid sick days, immigration and gun safety.
Get your free copy today, and you’ll get helpful updates and information on:
- Healthy School Foods and Snacks
- Dual-Language Learning
- Ending the School to Prison Pipeline
- Water and Sugary Drinks
- School Wellness
- Physical Activity
- Early Learning
- Supporting Immigrant Children
- Media Literacy and Screen Time
- Gun Safety
Parents like us are powerful. Thousands of us have signed up and used MomsRising's handy healthy school kits over the years. People like Stephanie from St. Louis, who says "PE should be an every activity. Kids need to be exposed to a variety of fun ways they can stay active..." and Constance from Philadelphia who told us "My son has been a more creative, flexible thinker, thanks to being raised in a bilingual atmosphere. All children should have this opportunity."
What issues get you fired up? The Power Pack includes information on how to get involved around issues you care about, regardless of what they are. Check it out for concrete tips on talking to decision makers, building a team, public speaking, and more. It also includes a handy breakdown of actors within the school, and tips on who can help with what.
Parents and caregivers like you are already doing inspiring things to build healthier schools and communities. And we’ve got your back!
Sign up now for your free, inspiring Parent Power Pack!
Thank you for all you do!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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