This afternoon, we rallied for the Working Families Tax Credit in Olympia. Back us up by contacting your state legislators!
Today, working people, parents, and families were in Olympia to rally support for the Working Families Tax Credit and urge lawmakers to include funding for the credit in their 2019 budget proposals.
Washington State has the most regressive tax code in the country -- meaning working families pay more of their income to taxes than the wealthiest families in our state. This is unfair, unconscionable, unacceptable.
But we have a MOMumental opportunity to fix that this session by passing and funding the Working Families Tax Credit. The Working Families Tax Credit would put much-needed dollars in the pockets of low- and moderate-income families.
The Working Families Tax Credit is a state version of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which provides an income boost to working people in the form of a tax refund. It is a proven poverty relief tool that would put a meaningful amount of money back into families' pockets to help them make ends meet. Washington can build on the success of the federal EITC by modernizing the definition of work and including people who work hard but are excluded from the EITC – like immigrants, family caregivers, and young working people without kids.
The Working Families Tax Credit is good for moms, good for families, and good for our economy. It is pro-work, pro-family, and one of the strongest tools we have in combating poverty.
Tell your state lawmakers: Moms, dads, and families are rising for the Working Families Tax Credit!
Study after study has shown how state and federal earned income tax credits boost families and local economies. Researchers have found links between the EITC and improvements in infant and maternal health, better school performance of elementary and middle-school students whose families receive larger refundable credits, and greater college enrollment among students whose parents received the EITC.
Join us in calling on the Washington State Legislature to pass the Working Families Tax Credit!
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