Stories about Paid Leave
Right now only 27% of working people in the United States have access to paid family leave through their employer. [1] And although the current Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows some employees to take up to 12 weeks of job-pro- tected unpaid leave, it only covers about 60 percent of employees. Further, many people who are eligible to take FMLA can’t afford to take it, because FMLA’s unpaid. This lack of paid, job-protected leave is why 1 in 4 new mothers is back at work within 10 days of having a baby [2] and also why 1 in 5 retirees leaves the workforce earlier than planned because they need time away from work to care for a spouse or loved one. [3]
Working families need and deserve a robust detail-driven paid family and medical leave policy. We need a plan that is accessible to all working people, inclusive when it comes defining family, affordable and cost-effective and sustain- able for workers, employers, and taxpayers and provides a meaningful length of leave.
Read stories about paid family medical leave from moms across the country.
[2] In These Times: The Real War on Families
[3] Keeping Up with the Times: Supporting Family Caregivers with Workplace Leave Policies, AARP Public Policy Institute