Review the Week: Voting, Texting Congress, and Protecting Health Care [Oct. 2, 2020]
ICYMI: Voting is top of mind for our members this week -- the election is 32 DAYS AWAY! Check out these MomsVote posts, plus other opportunties to ignite democracy and make the world a better place for moms and families, that you loved, liked, shared or might have missed for the week ending Oct. 2, 2020.
1. BLOG: Voting is a Parenting Responsibility
MomsRising member Lina Acosta Saandal gained the right to vote just a few years ago, and it has become one of her most cherished responsibilities.
I know that in that voting booth I am using my voice, my values, and my education to choose the local, state, and federal leaders that could help my children, my clients, and my community. When one of us suffers, we all suffer. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed.
LISTEN TO LINA: https://www.momsrising.org/blog/voting-is-a-parenting-responsibility
2. INSTAGRAM: How to Text Congress
We're always looking for easy ways for our members to participate in democracy. Nancy from NH shows us how easy it is to TEXT your Member of Congress using MonsRising’s texting tool!
WATCH THE QUICK VIDEO: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxE1FCiMq6/
3. BLOG: Know Your Voting Deadlines
The 2020 General Election is going to be an important one and we are doing our part to share as much relevant information to help you with early voting. Check out these state-specific voting guides, available in English and in Spanish.
FOR AZ: English | Spanish
FOR FL: English | Spanish
FOR MI: English | Spanish
FOR NC: English | Spanish
FOR PA: English | Spanish
FOR WI: English | Spanish
4. FACEBOOK LIVE: What's at Stake: Gender, Health Care & the Supreme Court
MomsRising Senior Vice President Monifa Bandele was a guest on HealthCare Voters lively new web series, What's at Stake.
WATCH: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=679704116255218&ref=watch_permalink
NOTE: You can see Monifa starting at the 16 minute mark.
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