A care infrastructure is good for business
Small businesses are irreplaceable cornerstones in our communities and constitute the true backbone of our economy. We know that women-owned businesses have been growing at double the rate of male-owned businesses – and we also know this means a lot of moms and MomsRising members are both new and seasoned small business owners.
Your business voice is needed right now. That’s because, along with parents and caregivers, small business owners are a highly-valued constituent voice among Congressional lawmakers currently making budget reconciliation decisions that could make or break historic programs that will help small businesses rehire and rebuild, as well as build a care infrastructure, while also preventing tax increases for 97% of small businesses.
* Click here to add your NAME & BUSINESS to our care infrastructure letter!
So, what is a care infrastructure, exactly? Great question!
Creating a care infrastructure means building out universal child care, establishing comprehensive paid family & medical leave, and home and community-based services for seniors and people with disabilities. Together, these care infrastructure policies enable parents and other caregivers to fully participate in the paid workforce and fill vacant positions. They also help small businesses recruit and retain valued employees and create secure, stable jobs.
To pay for care infrastructure investments, President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda aims to reform the tax code and level the playing field for small business owners by requiring wealthy multinational corporations to pay their fair share.
>>> The full letter to sign onto is below:
As Congress considers major investments in our nation’s infrastructure, a growing list of business owners and operators - large and small, across the country, from a range of industries - have added their names to the urgent call for a care infrastructure, comprised of a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program, universal child care, a permanently expanded Child Tax Credit, home and community-based services, plus living wages and a path to citizenship for essential workers and care workers.
We urge Congress to meet the moment by passing a comprehensive care infrastructure that provides long-term health benefits and economic security to all American families and contributes to the vitality and sustainability of our businesses.
We need a federal paid family and medical leave policy that is inclusive and that protects all workers equally, regardless of what kind of work they do, where they live, or whom they love. An equitable and comprehensive paid family and medical leave program must include time to welcome a newly arrived child, time to care for a seriously ill family member, and time to care for one’s own serious illness. With an equal paid leave policy in place, we can help stem the historic tide of women leaving the workforce and ensure that low-wage earners and people of color have the time they need to care for themselves and their families.
A care infrastructure that includes universal access to child care, paid leave, and other services also leads to better retention, personal health, and improved morale, which contributes to greater stability and viability for our businesses, ultimately helping our bottom line. In short, care infrastructure investments are good for business.
Don’t forget to sign onto our care infrastructure letter to Congress by adding your name here!
Thank you for all that you do!
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