NC: What does quality child care mean to you? We need to hear your feedback on NC's QRIS/ Star rated license system this summer!
Choosing a child care option that works for your family can be HARD!
People say that when you have a child it’s like your heart is walking around outside your chest. Rarely does that feel more true than when trying to figure out child care. When your child is going to be away from you for part of their day, you want to know they are in good hands and someplace where they are happy, healthy, safe, and learning. But finding the information to make these important decisions can feel tricky.
Many North Carolina parents and caregivers rely on our state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), more commonly known as the Star Rated License, for information as they consider which program is the best fit for their family. The overall goal of the QRIS system is to raise the quality of early care and education programs by creating incentives and recognition for providers to make gains in meeting certain health, safety and classroom standards. Programs are rated one through five stars, and more stars is intended to indicate a higher quality program.
North Carolina was one of the first states to create a QRIS system, and it’s time for us to update it to make sure it’s meeting its goals of increasing quality and providing information for parents.
We need your feedback! Tell North Carolina decision makers what quality care means to you.
You can either attend one of the listening sessions listed below that are happening virtually and across the state this summer or you can share your thoughts by completing this survey or sending feedback directly to the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education at DCDEE_QRIS@dhhs.nc.gov. Whatever method you choose, we need to hear from YOU!
Over the next few months, the North Carolina Child Care Commission and the NCDHHS Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) are collecting information from parents, teachers, administrators, operators, and partners to consider in the plan.
I’m proud to serve on the NC Child Care Commission, lifting up the feedback MomsRising hears from parents and caregivers every day, and I’m particularly excited to serve on the committee leading the effort to modernize QRIS. I can tell you that all of us are very anxious to listen and learn about your experiences and challenges with our Star Rated License system.
What does high quality child care look like to you? What does it feel like? What were the most important factors for your family when picking a child care option? We need to hear from you!
There are LOTs of opportunities the next few months for you to weigh in on what quality means to you. Check them out below and pick the one that works best for you. Whichever feedback option you choose, the most important thing is to make your voice heard! I promise it will make a difference.
Upcoming listening sessions:
- Raleigh - June 13, 4:30-6 pm, NC Division of Child Development and Early Education office, 333 East Six Forks Road, Room 165
- Fayetteville - June 15, 6:30-8 pm, Fayetteville Technical Community College, Tony Rand Student Center/Multipurpose Room, 2220 Hull Road
- Morganton – June 20, 6:30-8 pm, Western Piedmont Community College, Higher Education Center/Room 163, 2128 South Sterling Street
- Statewide Webinar – June 21, 12:30-2 pm, Join at this link: https://ncgov.webex.com/ncgov/j.php?MTID=m980b0a97df9dab15e89d83035e07879d Webinar Password: QRIS (7747 from phones and video systems)
- Charlotte – June 22, 4:30-6 pm, Child Care Resources, Inc, 200B Regency Executive Park Drive, Suite 240
- Jacksonville – June 28, 6:30-8 pm, Onslow County Public Library,58 Doris Ave E
If you can’t make it in person, we still need you to make your voice heard. Send your thoughts to DCDEE_QRIS@dhhs.nc.gov or fill out the survey here or by scanning this QR code:
However you choose to make your voice heard, we need to hear from you this summer! It doesn’t have to be a long comment. Whatever you share will help us build a better, more effective QRIS/ star rated licensing system for all NC families!
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I can’t wait to hear them!
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