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I have two children who are 21 months apart. From the time that my oldest started in daycare at 6 weeks of age until the time that my son finished at age 5, we were in 9 different childcare settings. Everytime I thought they were both settled, a teacher changed or they moved to the next classroom...Read more
Anne, Washington
Affordable part-time childcare/preschool through our local Park and Recreation Department is making it possible for me to help run our family business. I would be out of the workforce entirely, and our business would be suffering, were it not for this great community resource. There are very few...Read more
We live in Marin County and childcare here costs atleast $15 per hour for a babysitter. Of course you can find lower, but they usually don't speak English. I don't make much more per hour than they do so it was pointless for me to work and just hand my earnings over to the babysitter. Instead we...Read more
I was an Early Childhood Education teacher for over 25 years. Children who have been in a high quality ECE program have a major advantage when they start public or private school. ECE is crucial in developing a lifetime love of learning, socialization with other children and adults, and basics in...Read more
Pat, Utah
My husband and I found ourselves with a surprise pregnancy when our two children were 10 and 12. At the time I was working full time as a nanny. By the end of the pregnancy I was working for the same family part time. I took off just under a month and went back to work for them part time, toting...Read more
Sandy, Washington
As a former pre-school teacher, I can attest to the fact that these children need a basic education to prepare them for what's to come. Please don't forget these children.Read more
Having no paid maternity leave from my waitressing job threw my husband and I into financial chaos. It was so stressful - on top of having a newborn, not even knowing how we were going to make what little savings we had last, having to stress about buying diapers and basic survival items. We had...Read more
I have been unable to afford childcare for over a year now. Because, childcare is so cost prohibitive in Los Angeles, it is more cost effective to stay home than to work. I have many friends in the same position and all of us had to give up our jobs because childcare is more expensive than we can...Read more
Well, I guess I'm one of the "lucky" ones in the working middle class who makes just enough money to justify keeping a job and placing my two children in daycare. We couldn't afford full time care for both. So for three days a week, childcare costs more than my mortgage. In fact, when I balance my...Read more
Quality child care is difficult to find. Affordable quality child care is non-existent. And it's almost impossible to run a household on one income these days. We have paid over $15,000 a year for childcare for our kids. And no matter which way we slice it, we are barely making it. However, having...Read more
Leah, Washington
