Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
Blog Post List
April 12, 2011
In America today, women now make up half of the workforce, and two-thirds of women are either the sole bread-winner or co-breadwinner in their family. Women are also more likely than men to graduate from college. They run more than 10 million businesses with combined annual sales of $1.1 trillion, and are responsible for making 80% of consumer buying decisions And yet, right now, a decade into the 21st century, women make only 77 cents on the dollar as compared to men – 76 cents here in Connecticut. Women of color are even worse off – African American women make 71 cents on the dollar...
August 7, 2010
Last week, MomsRising Campaign Director Donna Norton personally delivered to me a moving collection of stories from MomsRising members about the need for paid sick days. We discussed stories from Connecticut MomsRising members including: A single mom who works in childcare and only has three days of paid sick days to use to take care of herself and her young children when they are sick. As a result, she is forced to choose between paying the rent and having enough food in the house A mom who works in a hospital who has received final warnings from her employer for taking too many days off...
May 7, 2010
Earlier this year, the nation of Kuwait passed a law ensuring paid leave to all workers in their country, even in their firs t year of work. In passing this basic, common-sense legislation, Kuwait joined a community of 145 other nations – including 19 of the top 20 most economically competitive countries in the world – that guarantee some form of paid sick days to workers. Who is left out of this group? The United States of America. Just as we share with Lesotho, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland the dubious distinction of being the only countries to the world to offer women no paid maternity...
August 11, 2008
The Friday night football game at the high school athletic field, the afternoon play date at the playground, and the weekend picnic at the local park – synthetic turfs are growing in popularity and are increasingly likely to be found in our communities.