Blog Post List
March 12, 2013
This story originally appeared in the Slow Love Life blog. TIME magazine has just released its cover story on Sheryl Sandberg, with an excerpt from her new book. I wrote a column for the issue, but here's the (bit) longer version for readers of Slow Love Life. I would love to hear your thoughts. I am seriously tired—and heartsick—of hearing from women who have it all that it was all a mistake. That the new generation of women—our daughters!—entering the workplace shouldn’t set the bar so high. That women cannot have it all. They’re wrong. And they’re not remotely helpful. Women in the U.S...
May 2, 2011
This piece was cross-posted at the Moms Clean Air Force. I was recently thinking about Mother’s Day gifts from my sons over the years. Those wonderfully awkward clay sculptures they brought home from grade school; the colored drawin gs and the poems they write. And when they got a bit older, and had some pocket money, the bits of treasure they found. One son gave me a tiny azalea in a pot. When it finished blooming, I planted it at the side of the garden, to hide it a bit, as it was bright pink, and all the other azaleas were white. Naturally, it grew to be one of the largest shrubs in the...
January 27, 2011
I was outraged to learn last week that some powerful politicians and lobbyists are gearing up to make it easier for polluters to poison our air. Do they really think this is a fight they can win? Mother love is fierce. All moms know one thing: having a child cracks your heart wide open. We’ll do everything we can to keep our babies safe. But what about the things we can’t control? Basic things, like the air our children breathe. We depend on government regulations to keep the air clean. No one else can do it. Big polluters have just announced their first battle: the toxic mercury spewed into...