Anonymous MomsRising Member
Blog Post List
October 3, 2016
When it comes to kids and cars, there's plenty to worry about. When we put our children in the car - to bring them to the doctor, or drop them off at school, or take them to visit Grandma - we're putting them at risk. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages 5 and over, and they're second only to drowning for children ages 1 through 4. Yet I don't know a single parent who refuses to put his or her kids in the car. The risk is very small, and we do our best to minimize it - most notably by carefully following evidence-based carseat recommendations. As a society, we have...
August 9, 2016
Last year, I took a job at a no excuses charter school, sight unseen. I hadn’t visited or asked many questions before signing my contract, which left me uneducated about the practices associated with this type of school. In short, a "no excuses" charter school usually enrolls low income and minority students, features high expectations for academic standards, demonstrates strict disciplinary practices and mandates extended time for instruction. My school fit this mold perfectly being a Title 1 school serving primarily African American students in an impoverished community. Even before the...
March 12, 2013
This is an e-mail that received at its member feedback "line": . So, once again Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer moves a pinky and the 24-hour news hounds start fanning the flames of discord among the working world’s haves and have-nots – pitting parents, non-parents, caretakers and others against one another. (For those who missed it, Mayer has issued a June 1 deadline for Yahoo! employees who work remotely from home to work from the office.) Don’t be fooled into thinking this is about workplace communication, how one goes about finishing a task, face-time, new...
April 17, 2012
I worked in a restaurant as a server earning $2.65 and could not afford to eat. Like many women across the country, I worked as a server at a neighborhood restaurant. During the year the job was fine, I made just enough money to cover my expenses. But when the summer came, even though I was working more hours to make more money, I instead ended up making less. Fewer people visited the restaurant in the summer and my tips became even more inconsistent and unstable. After my six hour shift, I was lucky if I made $25. And "if there's time to lean, there's time to clean," so the majority of my...