Brie Weiler Reynolds is the Director of Online Content at FlexJobs and a contributing writer for 1 Million for Work Flexibility, the first national initiative to bring people together and create a collective voice in support of work flexibility. If you value flexible work options, join 1 Million for Work Flexibility to voice your support for work flexibility for all.
Brie Weiler Reynolds
Brie Weiler Reynolds is the Director of Online Content at FlexJobs and a contributing writer for 1 Million for Work Flexibility
Blog Post List
November 11, 2014
Ahh, the holidays. The next 60-or-so days until the end of the year will be jam-packed with busy schedules, school events, work deadlines, and...stress. For working moms who have in-office jobs, the holidays, combined with balancing their jobs, can be a difficult time of year. That stress is significantly lowered, though, when they have the ability to work from home, even occasionally.
August 4, 2014
Here are three reasons why employers should develop a formalized flexible work program and how it will benefit both employers and working parents.
May 30, 2014
Flexible work options help moms and dads be more productive and better able to balance their work and personal responsibilities.