Khadija Gurnah is the Organizing Director for Define American. Previously, Khadija worked on immigration advocacy at MomsRising. She has worked alongside various governmental departments, on a wide range of projects, including bullying prevention, cultural sensitivity, religious accommodations for youth in the juvenile justice system, and bolstering enrollment for Muslims in the Affordable Care Act. She is a recipient of the White House’s Champion of Change Award, and of the EMAC Special Award in Health Disparities from her alma mater, the Yale School of Public Health.
Blog Post List

February 5, 2019
En una impactante revelación, el Inspector General del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS, por sus siglas en inglés) dijo que “miles” de niños migrantes más de lo que se sabía anteriormente fueron separados por la administración Trump y que no saben cuántos niños fueron separados de sus familias porque no llevaron un control mientras estaban siendo separados. Es espantoso que miles de niños hayan sido separados a la fuerza de sus padres y es aún peor que la suerte de estos niños todavía se desconozca. En esta época tan difícil, te ofrecemos algunas sugerencias para que puedas...

January 17, 2019
The Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says that not only were “thousands” more migrant children separated at the Southern border by the Trump administration than previously known, but that they didn’t even know how many children were taken away from their families because of failures to track families as they were being separated! It is horrific that thousands of children were forcibly removed from their parents and unspeakable that the fate of these children is still unknown. In these incredibly challenging times, we have listed ways you can take action...

October 15, 2018
Your voice is urgently needed! The Trump administration has just announced a proposed regulation that if put into effect, would plunge an estimated 500,000 children into poverty. [1] Say NO to the Trump administration's new attack on immigrant families! Submit your comment to the Department of Homeland Security NOW! (Don’t worry...we make it super easy for you with sample talking points you can copy and paste) What is happening and how can we stop it? The Trump Administration has proposed a change to long-standing, bipartisan federal immigration rules that would hurt low-income working...

September 19, 2018
El 20 de septiembre de 2017, el huracán María arrasó las comunidades de Puerto Rico, devastando la isla. María destruyó 100% de la red eléctrica y 95% de las torres de telefonía celular en Puerto Rico lo que hizo que las comunicaciones de emergencia colapsaran. Un informe federal reveló que el personal de FEMA no estaba preparado para apoyar los esfuerzos de recuperación en #PuertoRico, incluso no tenían suficientes empleados bilingües que se pudieran comunicar con los residentes locales o que pudieran traducir documentos. Aunque las autoridades inicialmente atribuyeron 64 muertes a la...

September 14, 2018
On September 20th 2017, Hurricane Maria tore through communities in Puerto Rico, devastating the Island. Maria knocked out 100 percent of the electrical grid, and 95 percent of cellphone t owers in Puerto Rico, triggering a collapse in emergency communications. A federal report found that FEMA staff were not ready to support recovery efforts in #PuertoRico, including not having enough bilingual employees to communicate with local residents or translate documents. While officials initially attributed 64 deaths to the storm, the humanitarian and administrative crisis on the island led to...
Take Action!

September 12, 2018
With Hurricane Florence on our doorstep, we’ve learned that t he Trump administration has diverted $10 million from FEMA ‘response and recovery’ to spend on ICE incarceration . This diversion of precious funding from disaster relief in order to pay for the separation and incarceration of families is stunning, unconscionable and unacceptable. Tell your U.S. Senator to say NO to further funding for family separation and incarceration! This funding move is just the tip of the iceberg ! Family separation and incarceration is cruel and expensive, taking funding from programs that our families...

August 20, 2018
Las asambleas públicas (Town Halls) son una de las formas más efectivas y directas de interactuar con los Miembros del Congreso y permiten atraer la atención de los medios de comunicación locales en distritos que tradicionalmente solo consumen información local. Esta plataforma también permite que los ciudadanos motiven a otros votantes para que soliciten que sus Miembros del Congreso (MOC) rindan cuentas de sus actos. Las asambleas públicas son uno de los singulares aspectos de base de nuestra democracia. ¡Asegúrate de ejercer este crucial derecho democrático! 5 Consejos Para Una Excelente...

August 17, 2018
Town Halls are one of the most effective and direct ways to engage a member of Congress, as well as a crucial way to garner local media attention in districts that traditionally read local media only. This platform also allows for individuals to motivate other voters to hold incumbent members of Congress (MOC) accountable. Town Halls are one of the unique grassroots aspects of our democracy, make sure you exercise this crucial democratic right! 5 Tips for A Great Town Hall 1. Get in Touch BEFORE the Townhall with the representative’s staffer in district or DC. Example Email or Call: “Hi, I’m...

July 31, 2018
La administración Trump ha seguido ejecutando sus inhumanas estrategias de inmigración deportando a 431 padres y separándolos de sus hijos en la frontera mientras solicitaban recursos migratorios como el asilo. Estos niños pueden ser permanentemente separados de sus familias y ahora sabemos que algunos padres que fueron enviados de vuelta a los mismos países de los que buscaban santuario, fueron engañados por el gobierno con la falsa promesa de que les iban a devolver a sus hijos. Dos pequeños hermanos fueron llevados abruptamente en avión a la frontera esta semana para reunirlos con su madre...

July 27, 2018
The Trump administration has continued their zero-humanity immigration strategies by deporting 431 parents whose children were taken from them at the border as they were seeking immigration pathways such as asylum. These children are likely to be permanently separated from their families, and it’s now coming to light that some parents who were sent back to the very countries they sought sanctuary from were misled by the government into leaving with the false promise of getting their children back. Two young siblings were also abruptly flown to the border this week to reunite with their mother...
Take Action!

June 29, 2018
While the recent Executive Order on family separation proved (again!) that our voices are powerful when we speak up for justice, it does NOT stop the Trump administration from continuing human rights abuses, like imprisoning entire families simply for asking for asylum, which is their legal right under U.S. and international law. We can’t let up the pressure! We must keep our voices raised, our calls going into Congress, and also our letter writing, petition signing, and our rallying at full throttle. Imprisoning children with their families is still imprisoning children. This weekend, on...
Take Action!

June 29, 2018
The Trump administration and Attorney General Jeff Sessions instituted a “zero tolerance” policy to criminally prosecute 100% of people who have crossed between official border crossings, regardless of whether they are seeking asylum, resulting in the wholesale separation of over 2,000 children from their parents who were traveling together. Seeking asylum is a right guaranteed by United State s and by international law, however under the Trump administration asylum seeking parents are being arrested, taken to court, and in some cases sent to federal prison . President Trump’s June 20th...
Take Action!
June 18, 2018
Trump is using children as hostages to bargain for his anti-immigrant agenda! It’s outrageous. On Friday, President Trump suggested that he won’t change HIS new policy of intentionally separating kids from their parents, unless Democrats agreed to his other destructive immigration demands. Trump’s demands include passing a very dangerous bill proposed by Speaker Ryan. This bill will NOT end family separation. Instead, it would result in children being detained indefinitely in worse conditions, without basic standards for their care or well-being. It would also result in the near immediate...

June 18, 2018
Bookmark and share this! Here's your list of local orgs where you can volunteer; phone numbers and email addresses of decisionmakers, with suggestions for what you can say; links to fact sheets and resources; and much more.

May 17, 2018
Donald Trump just said that undocumented immigrants “aren't people,” that they are “animals." We didn't think it was possible, but things have just taken a turn for the worse. Enough is enough. This isn't just offensive. History shows this particular dehumanizing language can lead to genocide . Immigrants with and without papers are part of our communities, families, lives, and country. Trump’s words and immigration policies are beyond NOT okay. *Tell Congress it’s NOT okay to call anyone an “animal” as President Trump just did -- and urge them to stop his destructive and unconscionable...

April 27, 2018
This week, the New York Times reported that more than 700 children have been taken from parents arriving at our borders since October, including more than 100 children under the age of 4. WHAT the WHAT? Our government has a responsibility under U.S. immigration law to hear a person’s immigration or asylum case, not to try to scare them away from asking for help. Separating children from their parents is unspeakably cruel! Tell your member of Congress and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen to keep parents and children together and STOP separating families! Mirian is one of...

January 26, 2018
TPS holders are our friends, employers, family, and neighbors. The majority of TPS holders have been in the U.S. for many years, even decades, because their countries are unsafe. TPS holders have built homes, businesses, and families here. In fact, TPS holders from just three countries, El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti (the three largest TPS populations), have 273,000 children who grew up in the United States and know no other home. If TPS is terminated, these parents will be forced to decide whether to be separated from their children or bring them into harm’s way. It is morally wrong to...

January 26, 2018
¿Qué está pasando? Sí, ¿ qué está pasando? Donald Trump puso fin a DACA, el programa que protegía a los DREAMers, hace cinco meses. Los republicanos dejaron que el Programa de Seguro de Salud para Niños (CHIP, por sus siglas en inglés) expire hace cuatro largos meses. Todo esto es simplemente antiestadounidense y no es correcto. De nosotros depende corregir esta situación. ¡ Es hora de alzar tu voz… enérgicamente! Con seguridad has visto los titulares: Se acaba de aprobar un acuerdo entre Trump y el GOP que permite que el Programa de Seguro de Salud para Niños (CHIP) finalmente sea aprobado,...

January 12, 2018
*/ We have an urgent matter for you! Every week, more than 850 DREAMers, (young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children and were raised here), have been losing their legal status -- the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, (DACA) -- and with it their protections and their ability to work, drive and attend college.[1] You may have heard that on Tuesday, a U.S. District Judge in San Francisco placed a preliminary injunction, blocking the government’s termination of DACA.[2] This is only a temporary reprieve as we expect the Trump administration to appeal this decision. We can’t...

January 4, 2018
All eyes are needed on an issue in Washington, D.C. that’s getting little news coverage--and we need your help right away to spread the word. The Trump administration is ripping away Temporary Protected Status (TPS) status from thousands of families and is preparing to send recipients to very dangerous situations, whether it's war in Sudan or post-hurricane devastation in Haiti. Lives are in grave danger. This is unAmerican. The words at the base of our Statue of Liberty, welcoming the “tempest-tossed” to our shores, have in many ways defined our country. Allowing people to apply for TPS if...
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