Meryland Cuevas is a multiple award-winning Latina influencer, social media Diva, Coach, Speaker, Storyteller. Connect with Meryland on Facebook & Twitter and on Instagram with @CoachMeryland. You can also find her writing on her site,
Blog Post List
November 10, 2017
Servir en el ejercito de los Estados Unidos, conlleva un gran compromiso y sacrifico. Muchos jóvenes se registran para servir a las fuerzas armadas desde que tienen 18 años, cuando apenas están comenzando a vivir y con su compromiso tambien vienen algunas excelentes recompensas. Yo fui una de esas jóvenes que a los 18 años tome la decision de buscar una nueva experiencia de vida y el US Army me proveyó el entrenamiento y las herramientas para lograr ese objetivo. Mi servicio militar duró 8 años, pero lo aprendido ha sido parte de mi crecimiento personal hasta el día de hoy. Uno de los mejores...
November 10, 2017
Serving in the United States Army, comes with a great commitment and sacrifice. Many young people register to serve the armed forces as soon as they turn 18 years old, when they are just beginning to live their lives and with their commitment also come some excellent rewards. I was one of those young women who at the age of 18 made the decision to seek a new life experience and the US Army provided me with the training and tools to achieve that goal. My military service lasted 8 years, but what I learned has been part of my personal growth until this day. One of the best services I have...