Keisha Mathew has been a youth advocate and activist for over 15 years. She holds a masters in social work, with a concentration in community schools from the University of Chicago. When she is not advocating for youth & mental health services, she is celebrating life through art, exploring neighborhoods & countries and spending time with her loved ones she calls her “village.”
Blog Post List

December 4, 2018
As a parent, I believe that it is essential that my children feel not just physically safe, but also socially and emotionally safe in their schools. As a mental health professional who has worked in both elementary and high schools, I have seen that physical safety is often the primary focus in schools. However, I have also seen that young people need just as much, if not more, socioemotional support. Socioemotional support occurs when a student participates in interventions that offer positive reinforcements between peers and adults, all while learning how to manage and process their own...