MacKenzie Nicholson is the Senior Director for MomsRising in NH. As a young mom, she began volunteering for MomsRising while she earned her masters degree in Public Policy from the Carsey School at The University of New Hampshire. In her spare time, she loves to read, exercise, and on the few days that the northeast isn't freezing, relax at the beach! She lives in Nottingham, New Hampshire with her family and Golden Retriever - Irish Setter, Jack!
Blog Post List
Pride Month
June 30, 2024
While Pride month continues to bloom, I’m inspired and motivated by the many incredible Granite Staters who are working to build a better and more inclusive New Hampshire. I was so excited when I met Bethany Murabito (she/her) in the halls of the state house this spring when we instantly connected over our fierce love for the LGBTQIA+ community and our cat eyeliner sharp enough to… well, if you know you know!
Education Fund
February 24, 2024
Saturday, February 24th, 2024 You're in! Welcome to Tea Time with MomsRising New Hampshire! We're so excited to share this inaugural edition of our newsletter with you and hope that the coming editions fill you with hope, allow you to engage in our shared work in ways that work for you and meet you where you're at, and help you feel connected to other members. Grab your MomsRising mug and sip some tea with us. 1.png Matcha & MOMentum with MacKenzie The New Hampshire legislature has been in session for almost two months and all we can say is: WOW. Things are moving at the speed of light!...

August 21, 2023
MomsRising New Hampshire is excited to officially share that we are bringing our fellowship program to the Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont this fall! Our fellowship program will bring together 8-10 caregivers and child care providers from the area who are interested in developing their advocacy and organizing skills to impact change in the Upper Valley. Are you interested in joining our fellowship program? Let us know by filling out this form. Have you ever heard of our fellowship program? If not, you might have some questions. What is a fellowship program? A fellowship program is a...
Education Fund

July 25, 2023
It's music to our ears - HUGE WINS for New Hampshire moms and families in 2023 including: child care, maternal health care and more! Wow. What a year it's been! Since January, our MomsRising members have been speaking at press conferences and roundtables, testifying at hearings, and standing up for better policies for Granite State moms and their families. Our voices and stories were instrumental in helping our lawmakers understand what families really need - and in turn, our voices were heard. WE WON EVERYTHING we had our eyes (and hearts) set on this year, and then some! Among the wins are...
Education Fund
Pride Month

June 30, 2023
Summer is my favorite time of year - not just because the legislative session is mostly wrapped up, but also because of the warm weather (I type, as it continues to be cold and rainy outside) - AND because of Pride and the time that we take to intentionally highlight and uplift love for the LGBTQ+ community. When I was thinking about Pride Month and the many ways that MomsRising can, will, and does show up for LGBTQ+ families, I was reminded to celebrate moments of joy. We don’t celebrate nearly enough, and we have a lot to celebrate this year along with much to worry about. This spring,...

May 10, 2023
It’s go time in the New Hampshire legislature! Thanks to all your advocacy, we’ve seen some huge wins so far this year – and we need your help again! Let’s keep that MOMentum going as the Senate Finance committee works on the state budget. → Send a quick email to the Senate Finance committee asking them to build and support a state budget that supports New Hampshire moms and our families. They need to include: The Child Care for New Hampshire Working Families Act: a comprehensive bill that will make our child care scholarship program more accessible and affordable for families. It also...

February 20, 2023
Did you know that the United States is currently the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world, with major racial disparities where Black women lose their lives at 3 to 4 times the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education, a fact that has gone unchanged for several decades, even in New Hampshire? [ 1 ] What’s worse is a recent report from the CDC showing that 80% of maternal deaths are preventable. [ 2 ] This year, moms, advocates, and members of the legislature are standing up for maternal health through a few...
Education Fund

August 10, 2022
Last Friday was my daughter’s last day in her pre-k program. We found the program when we bought our house in 2019, a much simpler time, pre-pandemic. We toured a couple local centers, but ultimately fell in love with this one because of their play-based learning curriculum, the inclusion of nature in the program, and the amazing teachers.
Education Fund
We Are MomsRising

Families & The Federal Budget Family Economic Security Open Flexible Work Paid Family Leave Paid Sick Days
November 22, 2021
"It's time for employers to see their employees as people who have whole lives outside of work." - MacKenzie from New Hampshire

September 12, 2019
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to MacKenzie in New Hampshire about how the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Child Tax Credit (CTC) help her family! Read her story below. MacKenzie also recently wrote an op-ed. You can read it here . To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog . My husband and I just bought a house in Nottingham with our 6-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter. We had my son just as we were getting out of college and starting our careers. We were living paycheck to paycheck, even though we both had degrees and decent jobs. The...

June 22, 2017
Good afternoon everyone, and thank you to Congresswoman Frankel and the Democratic Women’s Working Group for inviting me to speak today. My name is MacKenzie, I’m a proud MomsRising member from, New Hampshire. I’m a mother of two – a four-year-old son (whose birthday is today!) and a five-month-old baby girl. I also help care for my 62-year-old mother, making me a member of the sandwich generation. Over the past several months, my family has experienced both the joy of a new birth and the stress of an elderly family member’s serious illness. My husband and I did everything we could to prepare...