5 Urgent Actions for This Week!
It's GO TIME! We need all hands on deck! We’ve got to protect families in the national budget and push back against the disastrous American Health Care Act. It takes just a minute to have a big impact.
So get YOUR week off to a great start, and take action on the important #5Actions below. Thank you!
1. Urge Congress: Protect kids and families in the federal budget!
BACKGROUND: President Trump's full budget is coming out this week and we are hearing rumors that he will be proposing massive cuts to proven programs that boost our families' health, nutrition, housing, education and well-being, not to mention help our economy. Proposals like block grants are being considered that would cut investments that help vulnerable children and families. At the same time, President Trump and some members of Congress want to give major funding increases to fund harmful and expensive pet projects like his proposed border wall and give massive tax cuts to wealthy corporations and individuals. This will only lead to an increase in poverty, hunger, instability, and make our economy weaker. We need to speak out and let our Members of Congress know that we won’t stand for this! --> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/2018Budget/
2. Tell the Department of Homeland Security: Don't hire David Clarke!
BACKGROUND: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has announced he will resign to take a job in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Donald Trump. Amazingly, DHS has not confirmed that they actually offered Clarke the job he claims. *There's still time to stop DHS Secretary John Kelly from appointing Sheriff Clarke to any position.* David Clarke has referred to Black Lives Matter activists as "black slime" and “sub-human creeps,” and has slandered Muslims. He has pledged to crack down on undocumented immigrants, and wants to turn Milwaukee County Sheriffs deputies into Immigration agents through the discriminatory 287g program, which Joe Arpaio used in Arizona to racially profile and terrorize immigrant communities. Should he join the Dept. of Homeland Security, Clarke would use his new position to continue his racist rhetoric and have a powerful federal platform for advancing policies targeting immigrants, Muslims, and Black people. Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke is unfit for office, let alone federal office.Tell the Dept. of Homeland Security, Don't hire him! --> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/NoSheriffClarke_DHS/
BACKGROUND: Awful doesn’t even come close to describing it. The American Health Care Act (AHCA/Trumpcare) bill, which recently passed the U.S. House, is a disaster for women's health. It cuts 24 million people from health care and puts pregnancy—among other things—on the pre-existing condition list, which is terrible for the 82% of women who become moms. To add insult to injury, Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate chose exactly ZERO women for the working group selected to draft their version of the health care bill. Sign on: If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re on the menu --> http://action.momsrising.org/sign/ahca_womens_health/
4. SIGN NOW: We must end abusive and deadly policing!
BACKGROUND: No mother should ever have to fear a loved one could be harmed at the hands of those charged with protecting them. , but we keep seeing this again and again and again. He was just a kid. An honor roll student. A popular football player with a loving family. But no matter what grades he had or sports he played, we know one thing: Jordan Edwards didn't deserve to die. Three weeks ago, police officers arrived at a party that Jordan was leaving with friends. They were responding to a call about “drunken” teenagers walking around. Officer Roy Oliver fired a rifle at the car Jordan was a passenger in, striking Jordan in the head and killing him. [1] His two brothers, who were in the car with him, witnessed him dying. The police chief, Jonathan Haber, tried to justify the killing and claimed the car was backing down the road "in an aggressive manner” towards the officers. This was a lie, after reviewing police dash-cam footage, the police chief revealed the car was actually driving away from officers. Jordan Edwards didn't deserve to die. Sign the petition to tell DA Faith Johnson to appoint a special prosecutor to the Jordan Edwards case. --> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/momsrising_petition_jordan_edwards/
5. Tell Congress: support Head Start!
BACKGROUND: Over one million young children and pregnant women are served by Head Start every year throughout the country. Head Start and Early Head Start serve a diverse group of children and families—38% are Hispanic/Latino, 29% are Black, 43% are white, and 2% are Asian. These programs promote school readiness and health for low-income students, help break the cycle of poverty, and provide family well-being by supporting parents and families in their own goals such as housing stability and continued education. But less than half of children who are income eligible for the program are able to access the it. As Head Start celebrates its 52nd birthday and our elected leaders begin to craft a national budget, we need Congress to protect and strengthen Head Start’s funding and build on its past success to guarantee that all children get the early learning skills they need to be successful later in life. --> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/HeadStart/
Thank you for all you do to make our nation stronger and a place where everyone can thrive! #KeepMarching!
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