#5Actions of the Week: August 19, 2017
There's a LOT of political news filling the airwaves, so we want to make sure these other important actions aren't missed! THANK YOU for sticking with us and for taking action during these tumultuous times. We must #KeepMarching!
As always, please act and share. Together we're making a difference.
1. Are you ready to #ResistHate? Sign up & join us for an important phone call on Sunday!
BACKGROUND: MomsRising, MoveOn, Working Families Party, Center for Popular Democracy, People's Action, Color of Change, Indivisible, and other movement allies are coming together for an emergency mass organizing call dedicated to a discussion of white supremacy and how to fight it. The call will take place on Sunday, August 20th at 8 p.m. ET. We hope you'll join us on a call dedicated to a discussion of white supremacy and how to fight it. Sign up now and we'll call you!
2. Support DREAMers by writing a Letter to the Editor
BACKGROUND: DACA is in danger of being tied up in courts on Sept 5. Moms know that the diversity of our nation is what’s made our country strong, innovative, and prosperous. U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) took a step in the right direction when they introduced the bipartisan DREAM Act of 2017. The DREAM Act is urgently needed legislation that provides a path to citizenship for the nearly 1.8 million immigrants who have grown up here and know no other home. These young, hard-working people contribute tremendously to the strength and vitality of our communities, as well as to our economy. **Will you submit a Letter to the Editor? Local letters to the editor are EXTREMELY effective ways to get the attention of members of Congress. Help us make some noise that will be heard all the way from your town to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. by writing a Letter to the Editor that urges your members of Congress to support building strong and welcoming communities.
3. When you take action, we deliver. #IPumpedHere
BACKGROUND: MomsRising members and kiddos delivered your stories and signatures of support for ALL Breastfeeding & Working Moms to Members of Congress! If you have not had a chance, check out #IPumpedHere and share this video. We laugh so we don't cry but ultimately, we want change! #RisersNBM17
4. We MUST Stand Up for Pregnant Women!
BACKGROUND: Tell Judge John Stevens to Release Kandace Washington! Kandace Washington is 7.5 months pregnant, high risk, and is currently being held at Jefferson County Correctional Facility where advocates report that she is not receiving the necessary exams by medical staff trained in high-risk pregnancy—and was denied prenatal vitamins until an advocate filed a complaint with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards! Delaying her release puts her life and the life of her unborn child at risk. Texas has the highest rate of mothers dying during pregnancy. This must stop! Join us and the Texas Jail Project to call on Judge Stevens to release Kandace Washington on bond immediately.
5. Rise Up for California Families. Support the END of Juvenile Fees in CA
BACKGROUND: Loretta Wells, a 54-year-old Master Sergeant on leave from the U.S. Army, assumed guardianship of her three grandchildren after the death of her daughter two years ago. As she observed, “These children have been through a world of hurt and I’m not going to just leave them on their own.” Unfortunately, when her grandson got into a fight with other boys, he was placed in juvenile hall in Alameda County, and she received a large bill from the county. Unable to pay any additional bills on her income of $368 each month, Ms. Wells had to choose between paying the fees and losing guardianship of her beloved grandson. Can you imagine having to make these types of decisions regarding your loved ones? California law currently allows counties to charge administrative fees to families with youth in the juvenile system. These juvenile administrative fees can quickly add up to thousands of dollars and can throw struggling families further into poverty and threaten their ability to care for other children in the family. We can change this! Sign on to our letter to urge California state legislators to pass CA Senate Bill 190 without further delay, and end the practice of charging families juvenile fees!
Thank you for all you do superheroes! #KeepMarching!
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