#5Actions of the Week! December 11, 2017
We're making a holiday action list and checking it twice! Gonna tell our decision makers who's naughty or nice. Moms are coming to town ... Please join us to take urgent action on a suite of red-hot priorities this week! And be sure to share with friends and family too. Together we're making this holiday season bright!
Without further ado, or bad puns from us, here are the 5 actions for this week! ->
1. Tell FCC and Congress: Protect Net Neutrality!
BACKGROUND: An open internet is essential to protecting many of the freedoms we hold dear: Our ability to innovate, speak our mind, connect, and hear diverse voices and opinions. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to roll back 2015 rules that require internet service providers (ISPs) to treat all content the same. We can't let them. Net Neutrality ensures a level playing field. It stops ISPs from blocking or suppressing content. It limits them from manipulating the speed at which you receive certain content, or selling premium access to the highest bidder. Net Neutrality ensures that when we raise our voices online, they can be heard - loud and clear. Add your voice to the millions of people calling on the FCC and Congress to protect Net Neutrality.
2. Sign Up to Deliver a Tax Letter to Your Local Members of Congress' office!
BACKGROUND: The GOP tax plan will raise our taxes, take away the health care of 13 million people, and lead to massive cuts in programs that boost our families all in order to give tax cuts to millionaires and wealthy corporations. Republican leadership is moving super, duper fast to pass a final bill by the end of this week---but they still need to reconcile the differences between the Senate and House bill (both evil and awful in their own right). This is an all-hands-on-deck moment! We need you to speak out! We need you to show up…literally!
Sign up now to print out a letter and bring it to your local member of Congress’ office! When you sign up, you’ll receive an email with all the information you need to make your delivery. We’ll send you a short 2-pager with a letter for you to sign and stories about the moms of America that will be hurt by the GOP tax plan. We'll also give you some talking points and a link of where to find your local Senators and Representative's office.
3. Urge NO on National Concealed Carry Reciprocity!
BACKGROUND: Last week, the U.S. House voted on and passed national Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, which compels states to recognize concealed carry permits from all over the country, regardless of how lax permitting standards are in other states. The fight to stop this dangerous legislation now moves to the Senate. Should federally mandated concealed carry become the law of the land, an individual state would no longer be able to control who is authorized to carry a concealed gun within its borders. Police would not be able to quickly find out if out-of-state permits are valid, putting law enforcement and the public at higher risk of harm. With Americans already about 20 times more likely to be killed by a gun than people in other developed countries, and the nation still grieving the recent Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs shootings, two of the worst incidents of gun violence in recent history, now is not the time to weaken common sense safety standards or states rights!
4. Be an #ACAdefender for Open Enrollment 2017!
BACKGROUND: It’s time to #KeepMarching and use our outside voices for health care! President Trump and his administration have taken some terrible steps this year to sabotage our health care, limit consumer access to information, and confuse the public about our options for coverage. We need to do everything we can to help get the word out that quality, affordable health care coverage options are available at HealthCare.gov thru December 15th!
5. Protect DREAMers
Stand with young adults who have been here since they were children by protecting the path to legal status for DREAMers! President Trump created a crisis in our country when he decided to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Through this decision, he snatched away the livelihood and aspirations of 800,000 young adults who have been here since they were children. **Join us in asking Congress to stand with 800,000 DREAMers and pass the DREAM Act!
Thank you for all you do! #KeepMarching!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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