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A mom pushing a shopping cart up a steep slope toward a man standing on a stack of money
Felicia Burnett's picture

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment!!! The headlines are bleak and members of Congress need to hear from us again and again. (Thank you in advance!!)

We’ve all been speaking out by the thousands because we know that the long-term impact of the budget cuts being proposed (including potentially cutting healthcare for more than 72 million people!!) by President Trump and Republicans in Congress will be devastating to hard-working families like yours, ours, and folks all across America—Thank you!

Now, we need you to show up—literally!

**Please sign up to drop off a storybook to your local U.S. Representative’s office during the April Congressional Recess, April 14th - 25th!

  • Doing a drop-off is easier than it might seem at first: When you sign up, we’ll snail mail you a book of MomsRising member stories for you to deliver to the office of your local Congressperson. And we’ll also send you easy instructions, including a great way to find the nearest Congressional office for your storybook drop-off.

Why right now? This is a national emergency! Your U.S. Representative needs to know that their constituents are outraged that President Trump and Congressional leaders are considering a proposal that will give $4.5 trillion in tax cuts to the super rich and mega-corporations—and pay for them by making massive cuts to programs like Medicaid and also by raising taxes on the tens of millions of Americans who get their health care from the Affordable Care Act. In addition, the proposal also plans to slash funding for food stamps (SNAP), K-12 education, and other vital programs for families, small businesses, and our economy.

These cuts will not only hurt families, they will also hurt the economy! Working families, small businesses, and family farmers are the engines that drive our economy. When every day families have the opportunities and tools to succeed—like good jobs along with child care and Head Start; elder care through Medicaid and Medicare; access to secure and affordable healthcare through Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA; and food security through SNAP—people can take care of their families, go to work, support local businesses, and contribute to their communities. That grows the economy for all of us!

*Are you able to drop by your U.S. Representative’s local office in [state] to deliver our collection of personal stories from moms and dads around the country to educate leaders about why Medicaid, SNAP, Public Education, and Child Care are critical for families? Sign up now!

When you sign up, we'll send you the storybook along with everything you need to make a powerful impact by delivering it in-person to your U.S. Representative’s office. Sharing stories from moms, dads, and caregivers across the country can help them understand what’s at stake for America’s families. Lawmakers thrive on contact from their constituents to gauge what people in their districts truly care about, which is why dropping by in-person will make a strong impression. This is a critical time for your Representative to hear from you as they work to finalize our Nation’s budget!

Our message is clear—instead of spending more money on tax cuts for billionaires and wealthy corporations, the President and Congress should focus on keeping their promises to voters: Lower costs for everyday people, invest in workers and families, and make the tax code, small businesses, and the economy work better for all of us!

Please sign up to deliver our storybook to help bring the voices of parents from across the country straight to your local U.S. Representative’s office.

The fight ahead of us is a major one! The Republicans are in control of both chambers of Congress and the White House. But we know we can break through to them and force them to change their plan if we all speak out and let them know that people in every congressional district across the country are sickened and angered by their misplaced priorities.

Preview of our storybook here!

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